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Exponents in Action (properties)

Published on Apr 03, 2016

Add interest and purpose to learning exponent properties


Exponents in Action

Photo by Peer.Gynt

If a tank weighs 5x10^3 pounds, how much would 10^5 tanks weigh?

Photo by Anna & Michal

If Coca Cola produces
10^8 bottles of coke in a month, how many would it produce in 10^5 months?

Photo by iluvcocacola

Your yard has 10^4 fleas today and each flea lays 10^3 eggs. Now how many fleas?

Simplify multiplication of exponents:

  • 10^4 x 10^2 =
  • 2^3 x 2^5 =
  • 6^2 x 6^4 =
  • Look at your formula sheet. How does it write multiplication of powers?
Photo by Xuoan

10^4 people attend a concert on 10 acres. How many people per acre were there?

Photo by Marco Gomes

Donald Trump got 5^8 followers on Twitter in 5^2 months. How many followers per month is that?

Photo by Tom Raftery

A coin machine wraps
20^5 pennies in 20^2 hours. What is the rate?

Photo by Bunshee

Simplify division of exponents:

  • 12^3 / 12^2 =
  • 3^5 / 3^2 =
  • x^17 / x^4 =
  • y^6 / y^-1 =
  • Look at your formula sheet. What does it say for division of powers?

2^3 Monarchs visit your garden daily. Your neighbor's yard attracts that many squared. How many is that?

Photo by C.J. Geiger

Eagles are making a comeback. 10^3 exist today and that # is expected to cube in 20 years. How many will that be?

Photo by "JT" Taylor

Simplify powers of powers:

  • (2^2)^3
  • (3^5)^2
  • (10^4)^3
  • (x^7)^10
  • Look at your formula sheet. How does it show raising a power to a power?
Add purpose and interest to learning exponent properties

When in doubt, expand exponents out:

  • 3^4 x 3^2 = 3x3x3x3x3x3
  • 5^7 / 5^2 =
  • (8^2)^3 =

A cell is 4.5 x 10^-8 mm in diameter. Rewrite this with positive exponents.

Photo by uafcde

A tarantula's leg hairs are 5^-2 inch long. Write this number with a positive exponent and then as decimal.

Simplify negative exponents:

  • 4^ -3 =
  • 7^ -5 =
  • 10^ -4 =
  • How does your formula sheet show negative exponents?