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Published on Nov 24, 2015

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  • Rhodium Symbol is Rh and it's atomic number is 45.
  • It has the same number of protons and electrons with 58 neutrons.
  • It's solid and it costs about 1,000 per Troy ounce.
  • It was discovered in 1803 in England.
  • It was discovered by William H. Wollaston


  • It is the rarest of all non-radioactive metals on the earth.
  • It is a hard and durable metal with a high reflectance.
  • It has a higher melting point and lower density than platinum.
  • It is not attacked by acids and is insoluble in nitric acid.
  • One of its common uses is Jewelry.


  • It's symbol is Ta.
  • It's atomic number is 73.
  • It was discovered in 1802
  • It was discovered by Anders Ekeberg.
  • It's a metal.


  • It is ductile and may be drawn into very fine wire
  • It is practically immune to chemical attack at temperatures lower then 150 C.
  • Tantalum wire is used as a filament for evaporating other metals.
  • Tantalum is immune to body liquids
  • It's also a non-irritating metal.


  • Every human has about .0001 mg uranium inside their body
  • It's used to fuel the powerful "Little Boy" atomic bomb.
  • It was discovered in 1789
  • It was discovered By Martin Klaproth.
  • It was discovered in 1938 that uranium could be split to release energy.


  • A chunk of Uranium metal the size of a
  • Gallon milk jug weighs over 150 pounds.
  • It's symbol is U
  • Pure Uranium is Radioactive
  • Uranium is about the 50th most abundant element in the Earths crust


  • Jacob Berzelius is credited with
  • Discovering Silicon in 1824.
  • It's the 8th most abundant element in the universe by weight
  • It's important for the production of steel
  • It is a solid at room temperature


  • It is vital for life in both plants and animals
  • Silicon is found in abundance in many animals
  • Silicon is the main element in many meteorites.
  • Silicon makes up slightly more than 27% of the earths crust
  • It is almost never found as a pure element naturally


  • It was discovered in 1789
  • It was discovered by Martin Heinrich Klaproth
  • In 1914, pure zirconium was produced by Jon Jacob Berzlius
  • It's a transition metal with a grayish white color
  • There are 28 synthetic zirconium isotopes


  • It's not believed to be a part in living organisms
  • It's being tested I'm a new type of cancer detecting pet scans
  • It is found in over 140 minerals
  • Powdered Zirconium is highly flammable
  • There are five naturally occurring isotopes of Zirconium


  • It's atomic number is 1
  • It's extremely light
  • It cannot be contained by Earths gravity
  • It can become a liquid
  • Majority of the Universe's mass is comprised of Hydrogen


  • Stars burn Hydrogen to produce energy
  • So does the Sun
  • It is abundant in living matter found in plants and animals
  • The gas giant plants are mostly composed Hydrogen
  • Hydrogen can be synthetically be made by many different processes.


  • It was discovered by sir William Ramsay
  • It was discovered in 1898
  • They were studying the residue of boiled liquid water
  • Krypton is odorless and colorless
  • As many as thirty unstable isotopes have been discovered


  • As a noble gas, the earth has kept all of its original supply of Krypton
  • There are six stable isotopes of Krypton that occur in nature
  • It's key uses were for photography and lighting
  • It is found in the earths atmosphere at one part per million
  • Krypton has an atomic number of thirty- Six

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Industrial Revolution