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Both:Hellooooooooo everybody,this is our Extreme Oceans project.
Martin:My name is Martin and this is my slave-um,I mean Partner Franco.
Franco:So lets start.
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Extreme oceans

Published on Dec 11, 2018

By: Mahteen and Frunk/Francostein


Extreme Oceans

By: Martin and Franco
Both:Hellooooooooo everybody,this is our Extreme Oceans project.
Martin:My name is Martin and this is my slave-um,I mean Partner Franco.
Franco:So lets start.


  • Mysterious and wacky creatures
  • Mysterious places
  • Bermuda triangle
  • The lost city of Atlantis
  • technolygy
Franco:So here is the Table of Contents
Martin:So first,we will visit mysterious creatures,then we will visit mysterious places.
Franco:Next we will visit George Washington,wait a minute isn't George Washington dead?
Martin what are you reading?!!?!
Franco:Oops,next is the Bermuda triangle,after is the city of Atlantis.
Photo by Wrote

Sea Creatures

Goblin Shark
Martin:I don't know anything,it's all on you.
Franco:Ok, this is the Goblin Shark.It's known as the living fossil because of it's linage .Some are 125 million years old!!
Martin:That's hard to believe.
Franco:Anyway,it is usually between 3 to 4 meters.It is a very rare species.

Sea Creatures

Martin:This is the Megalodon. It is a species that lived 1o million years ago,but some scientist believe it is still living. Its about 15 to 18 feet length.
Franco:wow, that is as long as 3 fire trucks!
Photo by Ed Bierman

Sea Creatures

Wacky Fishes
Franco:Some wacky fish are the Macropina fish that has a see-through head but a jet black head.
Martin:Another one is the angler fish that has a light bulb on top of it's head!

Mysterious Places

Martin: Now we are on the mysterious places section. That place is called Atlantis. it was a a place where the philosopher Plato, wrote about.
Franco: but did you Know some people claim to have found the fictional place of Atlantis? Let's talk about this later.
Photo by Kodak lurker

Mysterious places

Deep Sea Ruins
Franco: What you see here are ruins. Some of them are cites that got flooded and landed down here but some of them contain creepy storys behind them.

Bermuda Triangle

What Is It?
Martin: you see the this triangle? it is no ordinary triangle. Its the BERMUDA triangle.It goes between the shore line of Miami, Puerto Rico, and the island of Bermuda. This is a place where planes and ships mysteriously disappear.
Franco;That's creepy!

Bermuda Triangle

Ship Wrecks
Photo by Nick Jio

Bermuda Triangle

Plane Crashes

Bermuda Triangle

Ball Lightning :o

Bermuda triangle

Time Warp?

Bermuda Triangle

Alien Abduction!?

Bermuda triangle

Connection Between Bermuda Triangle And Atlantis?


How Atlantis Formed


Did You Know?


Sonar Technology
Photo by tjmwatson


Deep Sea Rovers
Photo by Syd Sujuaan

What Makes it hard to explore

Untitled Slide

Photo by rawpixel

Untitled Slide

Photo by twm1340