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Fable presentation

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Fable presentation

by:ashley friedrich

The Lion and The Mouse

This story is about a lion that was sleeping and the mouse ran over his face and woke the lion up when he caught the mouse he was about to kill it.

The Lion and The Mouse Moral

Don't ever waste your kindness on things even if the thing is big or small don't ever waste your kindness.

The Dog and His Reflection

The dog and his reflection is a story about when a dog sees his reflection in water and then jumps in the water because the dog thought it was another dog.

The dog and his reflection moral

Always check twice before you do something.

The Flies and The Honey

The flies and the honey is about when a jar of honey gets knocked over and a lot of flies come to eat the honey.

The flies and the honey moral

Never leave things out when it is windy cause it will knock over.


  • The problems are diffrent
  • It is in all diffrent places
  • They all have diffrent animals

The similarites

  • They all have a problem
  • They are all fables
  • They are all silly problems

The end

Photo by bmward_2000