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Facebook Policies

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Facebook Policies

ethics and policies for educator

What is Facebook?

  • Online social network.
  • 1.18 billion monthly active users.
  • Potential to develop 21st century skills.
Facebook is an online social network service that was launched on Feb 4th, 2015. This is one of the biggest social networks in the world with 1.18 billion monthly active users as of August 2015. After registering to use the site, users can create a user profile, add other users as "friends", exchange messages, post status updates and photos, share videos and receive notifications when others update their profiles. Additionally, users may join common-interest user groups, organized by workplace, school or college, or other characteristics, and categorize their friends into lists such as "People From Work" or "Close Friends". With this huge amount of users, combine with its useful functions, Facebook would be a great potential tool for developing 21st century skills.
Photo by hey mr glen

1. improve Student's skills

  • Communicating
  • Collaboration
  • Information, Media and Technology Literacy
  • Social skill
Facebook is not only for the students to communicate with each other but also to receive new knowledge, information and experience. Communicating is the very first purpose of Facebook, it represents for Learning Skills that students need to accumulate. The learners will be able to connect with each other via sending text messages, real-time video call, commenting, contributing and sharing information. It is also good for Collaboration since the user can contribute to the work of the others. For example, they can comment on the "note" to recommend some more contents, or a group of users can upload photos on the same album as long as they have contribution authority. Information Literacy, Media Literacy and Technology Literacy are all supported from Facebook. By sharing some new resources they got, the other learners will be able to read the news or article, thus receive more useful information. They also learn how different using Facebook on the computer and the phone, why we need a separated application for Facebook messages and another one for pages managing. Finally, the student can also learn about Social Skills from communicating on Facebook. This is one of the Life Skills.
Photo by Mediocre2010

2. engage students

The students nowadays use Facebook to connect with each other every day. Some of them even spend time on checking their personal Facebook account more than reading books or doing homework. Therefore, the educators should take this advantage to engage them to the curriculum. For instance, they may use Facebook for announcement, updating new schedule or sharing rich-data resources.
Photo by kenteegardin

3. provide equal access

  • Same access regardless of personal characteristics
  • Resolve technical issues
  • Support in need students
  • Use as minor resource.
There might be some students having hard time to access Facebook due to lacking of technology device or connection. All the students should have the same, or minimum difference, access to the teacher's provided information regardless of their personal characteristics, behavior, intelligence, or success in school. A good behavior student is nothing different from a talkative student during class time. They should both have the same input of information. Furthermore, the Internet connection might affect the students' access. The users that are too far away from the router will have hard time to reach the network, thus unstable connection will slowdown their learning process.
For some students, technology is expensive and their family might not be able to afford the device to access the teacher's resources. Thus, the school must take some moves to minimize the gap, such as extending computer lab's hour or donating used devices to students in need. Another solution is that the teacher should use Facebook as the minor resource. They can use this as a tool to support students' activities in classroom, but not for sending out emergency notices or major resources.
Photo by biblioteekje

4. Use Internet Filters

  • Integrate good blocking software
  • Lesson about harmful resources
Facebook is a resourceful social network, but not a totally safe place. There are many virus links floating all over Facebook from student's NewFeed page to their personal messages. By clicking on those harmful links, they will lead the user to a new website that may include virus or inappropriate content. Thus, it's the educator's responsibility to use Internet filter software to avoid the computer to access those links, or at least pop-up warning of accessing those websites. However, we can't rely on the software because no filter is totally successful. The instructor need to have a lesson on guiding student to use Facebook wisely, detecting the harmful resources and also answer their questions or addressing the concern.
Photo by jev55

5. Intellectual property

If the students share information on Facebook, they need to provide the source of information.
Photo by kjetikor

6. inAppropriate behavior

  • Cyber Bullying
  • Dangerous
  • Serious consequences
There is an emerging problem on social network lately, that is Cyber Bullying. Many students do not realize that they are bullying other people by making fun of them or being harsh on them on Facebook. Cyberbullying can happen 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and reach a kid even when he or she is alone. It can happen any time of the day or night. Cyberbullying messages and images can be posted anonymously and distributed quickly to a very wide audience. It can be difficult and sometimes impossible to trace the source. Deleting inappropriate or harassing messages, texts, and pictures is extremely difficult after they have been posted or sent. This is why cyber bullying is hard to be controlled and stopped once they started. The best method is educating students that bullying over Facebook is even more dangerous than in real life at school.

7. Moral professionalism

  • Being well informed about student-matter
  • Planning and conducting classes with care
  • Cooperating with colleagues and observing school policies
The educator need to meet the requirements from school, such as going to work regularly and on time, being well informed about their student-matter, planning and conducting classes with care, cooperating with colleagues and observing school policies so the whole institution works effectively, regularly reviewing and updating instructional practices.


Photo by afagen