Facilitating vs. Teaching vs. Lecturing

Published on Mar 02, 2021

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Facilitating vs. Teaching vs. Lecturing

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Most presenters spend a disproportionate amount of their time learning the content they’ll be communicating, instead of how they’ll be communicating it.

Want you to facilitation as a powerful wand

Photo by bhaven

that in well-trained hands can achieve wonderful, healthy, positive outcomes;

and that in untrained hands can lead to

disaster and pain.

You, like us believe that facilitation is important, or you wouldn’t be here.

Have you ever taken a class because of the presenter instead of the subject?

Photo by superfluity

Tell us about it.

Photo by superfluity

What is the primary goal of your digital presentation?

Photo by davidroethler

What is your role during the digital presentation?

I learn best when…
What is your takeaway?

Photo by Debbi Long

What do you know about learning?

Photo by cogdogblog

What is learning?

Photo by PlusLexia.com

How do infants learn?

When I say the word teaching, what comes to your mind?

Most presentations are designed with a focus on the subject matter expert as the teacher.

The goal is to share as much as possible in the designated time.

This is teacher- or expert-centric presentations.

Photo by Orminternal

The presenter designs the presentation with how to deliver the content. It is not designed with how the audience, the participant, the learner naturally learns it.

When I say lecturing, what comes to your mind?

Most classes and workshops use the traditional method of an expert telling an audience what they know.

Photo by Wonderlane

Telling isn’t learning.

Photo by ianbart

What comes to your mind when I say facilitating?

Photo by JSBCHRD

Facilitating is a style of engaging others toward a goal. We generally assume that goal is learning.

Photo by NeONBRAND

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  • learning content and knowledge,
  • learning about oneself and others, or
  • unlearning
Photo by courosa

There are two key roles during facilitation. What do you think they are?

Photo by Leo Reynolds

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  • The Facilitator
  • The Participants
Photo by Leo Reynolds

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Jeff Hurt

Haiku Deck Pro User