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Fall Intersession

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Caustic Chemical Conundrum

Photo by Hey Paul

What is the problem?

Photo by katerha

Many of the chemicals in the science cabinets are irritating to the skin and in bottles that look extremely similar. When trying to get ready for a lab, it takes time to put on gloves, remove bottles, read the labels, find the correct one, and put them all back.

This is the problem that we are solving.

( then read the problem)

Many of the chemicals in the science cabinets are irritating to the skin and in bottles that look extremely similar. When trying to get ready for a lab, it takes time to put on gloves, remove bottles, read the labels, find the correct one, and put them all back.

Caustic Chemical Conundrum

  • Gloves
  • Organization Problem
  • Safety
Some of the issues are that you have to wear gloves when you are handling the chemicals even if the chemical does not require gloves because they you have to get them all out of the box to find the one you are looking for. The chemicals are all in boxes and are not organized or labeled clearly. Safety is also an issue. Ms. Watanabe could react to the chemicals if she is not careful. This is not her biggest problem, but it is a problem.
Photo by Amy Loves Yah

How Will We Solve It?

So, How will we solve it?
Photo by blmiers2

We Made a Stair Case

We made a stair case that will stir on the shelves.
Photo by extranoise

Our Process

We Started With A Model And Went Form There
Have a picture the the 123D design and explain about the process:

At the beginning of the intersession we were in the Maker-space. We were filling out packets to help us generate ideas and get information. Then, once we had our basic ideas and prototypes, We went to the fab lab and started to make our final prototype. We started

If we had the chance to start all over, what would we have done differently?

We would of tested sooner. If we tested sooner, it would of allowed us to be more efficient and effective with our time and we would of been able to make more changes if we tested sooner and had more time to re-design.

Photo by Dave77459

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