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Fallacy Lesson 1

Published on Mar 25, 2016

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because nothing is more fun than watching others fall flat on their faces

Hasty generalisation
Reaching a conclusion from one event aka jumping the gun

Sweeping generalisation
Reaching a conclusion from one rule

Photo by shyb

Sweeping or hasty?

Hasty - applying a SPECIFIC rule to a GENERAL situation

Sweeping - applying A GENERAL rule to a SPECIFIC instance

Photo by Rantz

I talked to a few kids in school who said school sucks. Therefore, school sucks.

Photo by Kacper Gunia

I went to England and was really excited about experiencing their culture. I was disappointed to be served soda by my friend.

Photo by Kacper Gunia

My dad smoked all his life. He did not get cancer. Smoking is not bad.

I think I won't accept the job at Office Depot. My boss would be a woman, and at my last job my boss was a woman, and she was the worst boss I've ever had.

Photo by Kacper Gunia


hasty generalisation can lead to stereotypes. sweeping uses stereotypes.
Photo by Gerry Dincher


do yourelf a favor; remember them
Photo by Vvillamon

You get what you pay for. Therefore, it is better to spend $200 on that T-shirt at the boutique shop than buy the same one at Marshall's for $29.

The $29 shirt is at Marshall's is a great deal, therefore, everything at Marshall's is a great deal.

Photo by Kacper Gunia

False analogy
Misleading people with inappropriate or inaccurate comparisons

Photo by foxgrrl

Soap is like a dream. It lifts you up to a spiritual place.

Photo by Horia Varlan

Employees are like nails. Just as nails, they must be hit in the head in order to make them work.

Mud and rivers can both be broad. It is known that the broader the river, the shallower it is. Therefore, it must be true that the broader the mind, the shallower it is.

Photo by Ian Sane

False analogy can also
assume that if A and B have one common characteristic, they would share other characteristics

Photo by ZardozSpeaks

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Students should be allowed to look at their textbooks during examinations. After all, surgeons have X-Rays to guide the during an operation; lawyers have briefs to guide them during a trial; carpenters have blueprints to guide them when they are building a house .

Photo by albertogp123


  • A has features W, X, Y and Z.
  • B has features W, X, Y and Z.
  • C has features W, X, Y and Z.
  • D has features W, X, and Y.
  • D also has feature Z.

The Negative
If A and B share X, then if A does not have Y, then it is true of B as well.

Photo by timtak

Bill Clinton has no experience of serving in the military. To have Bill Clinton become president, and thus commander in chief for the armed forces of the United States, is like electing some passer-by to fly the space shuttle.

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