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Family of Abraham

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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  • God called Abram to leave his country and family..
  • To Canaan, where God promised him to become Father of all Nations..
  • Decendents, the whole land of Canaan and God changed his name to...
  • Abraham.
  • He was the first patriarch and followed God's orders and went to Canaan...
Photo by szeke


  • And God tested Abrahams faith and told Abraham...
  • To sacrifice his only son Isaac.
  • Abraham obeyed and attempted to sacrifice Isaac but...
  • An angel stoped stoped him and God was pleased.
  • Abraham married Sarah and had Isaac and then had as many descendants as the stars.
Photo by szeke


  • Isaac married Rebekah and had Jacob and Easu.
  • His father deceived him into thinking that they were going to...
  • Sacrifice an animal but his father was going to sacrifice him.
  • But an angel stopped Isaacs father and he was saved an runited with his father.
  • Isaac is like Jesus in many ways. He carried the wood to his sacrifice, he was sacrificed on a hill and he acepted the will of his father.
Photo by lecates


  • Esau was the first born son of Isaac and Rebekah.
  • Esau was very hingry one day and his brother Jacob was making stew...
  • So Esau traded his birthright to Jacob for some stew.
  • At the end of Isaac's life Isaac told Esau to make his favorite stew so he could...
  • Give Esau the patriarch blessing but Jacob pretended to be Esau so Jacob got the patriarch blessing.


  • Jacob was the 2nd born son of Isaac.
  • He pulled back the foot of his brother Esau to try and...
  • Be born first from then on RebeKah knew hat he should be...
  • The patriarch. One day Jacob was making stew and Esau wanted...
  • Some so Jacob traded Esau his birthright for the stew.


  • Then Isaac reaching an old age and going blind, called Esau for...
  • The patriarch blessing. Rebekah over heard Isaac and went to tell Jacob that...
  • Isaac was giving Esau th patriarch blessing so that he should put on hairy arms...
  • To fool Isaac into thinking that he was Esau. When Esau went hunting Jacob told...
  • Isaac that he was Esau and Jacob got the patriarch blessing. Then Esau got back and...


  • And found out and got mad and then Rebekah told Jacob to...
  • Stay with Laban, Rachel's cousin. Jacob went there and fell in love with...
  • Rachel. So Jacob worked for 7 years to marry Rachel. But he accidentally married...
  • Leah, Laban's other daughter. So jacob worked for another 7 years to marry Rachel.
  • Then Jacob decided to go back with his family. But on the way there, he wrestled a stranger...
Photo by Ben124.


  • When it was over, he became a changed man.
  • He desired to have God act in his own life. When the stranger saw this...
  • He changed Jacobs name to Israel.
  • Israel thought that the stranger was a visitor from God.
  • Israel married Rachel and had 12 kids known as the 12 tribes of Israel.
Photo by blmiers2


  • Joseph was Israel's favorite son.
  • The other brothers were jealous of Joseph and tried to kill him.
  • But then they sold him. The pharos wife liked Joseph but Joseph didnt like her...
  • So she pretended that Joseph hurt her and Joseph was thrown in prision. In prision.
  • Jacob became a dream interpreter. The Paraoh had a dream and Jacob interpreted
Photo by kevin dooley


  • Pharaoh was impressed so that he made Joseph governor of Egypt.
  • Then Joseph's brothers came ro get food and they didn't recognize him so Joseph pulled a prank and..
  • Pretended that they stole something. He made Israel give him his 2nd favorite son.
  • Then he told them the truth and they rejoiced.
  • Then Israel moved to Egypt.
Photo by kevin dooley