Aristotle was a famous Philosopher, and mathematician too. He figured out that the earth is round. He also came up with the first geocentric model. The geocentric model is when the earth is in the center of the solar system, and
Aristarchus Came up with the idea that the sun was the actual center of the solar system, and like all planets earth orbited the sun in a perfect circle.
Kepler decided that the idea of the planets orbiting the sun in perfect circles was off so he more accurately described the cycles as ellipses. And developed laws called Kepler's laws.
Galileo created a more powerful telescope, so that he could; in better detail see celestial objects. He saw that other moons orbited other planets, like the relation our moon has with the earth.
Sir Isaac Newton explained how the universal functions by using physics. He accomplished that by developing the laws of motion, the laws of optics, and laws of gravity.