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  • Fashion to me is having style and knowing how to rock what you wear. It's like a popular trend everyone wears it👘
  • Sometimes fashion could be made into your own which is the best part about it


  • My favorite things about shirts is you can make it your own....
  • My favorite shirt is a maxi shirt.... A maxi shirt is basically a shirt that's long and is slit on both sides near your thighs.
  • Some maxi shirts are like dresses and some are a little but longer than shirts


  • I love shoes do you?
  • Shoes to me is something special because people like different kinds of shoes and it's interesting learning about what kinds of shoes there really in the word
  • One of my favorite kinds of shoes is the (Nike Black/ Metallic Silver-Total Crimson) which is shown in the background. O


  • Im not too crazy about pants/ shorts but i do believe it has a small part having to do with fashion
  • The pants/shorts I enjoy wearing is high waisted...
  • High waisted pants/ shorts is when the pants is high above your waist.... Sometimes it's above the belly button and , sometimes it's below the belly button depending on the pants; and how they fit on you in particualr...


  • Hair is sometimes educational to learn about because some people do their hair in some ways based of their religion...
  • My favorite hairstyle is when i get box braids in my hair...
  • I really enjoy getting box braids in my hair because its a protective style that i can keep in for 3-5 months with out hair damage or any thing that is unhealthy for the hair.....



  • Now do you understand why i like fashion?
  • Do you like fashion?
  • Hope you enjoyed my short examples of why i love fashion.... Byeee🙈👋🏾