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Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Alyson Noël

The Genre of Shimmer is Fantasy

The setting for Shimmer is Wyoming, 1932. When the civil war is taking place.

5 characters from Shimmer are: Riley and Riley is 12 years old. Riley also died in a car accident .

Buttercup: Buttercup is Riley's dog. Buttercup is tan with a brown nose and black eyes.

Bodhi: Bodhi is Riley's " Guide". And Bodhi is part of the Council.

Rebecca: Rebecca is a " Ghost-girl". Rebecca has a dark side.

Prince Kanta: Prince Kanta is delusional, Insane said Riley when she was with him trying to rescue her friends.

The theme for Shimmer: Is to keep your friends close but your enemies closer, because she did save her friends and did not just forget about them, but with Rebecca she found out what really happened to her.

The conflict or problem of the story is that Rebecca trapped Riley's dog and Bodhi and Riley doesn't know how to get them out of Rebecca's trap or trance.

Resolution/ Solution:
The resolution or solution of the conflict is that Riley and Prince Kanta will go into Rebecca's "world" so they can find her friends and free them from Rebecca's world

The summary of the main events are First, Bodhi was yelling at Riley when she didn't listen to him. Then, Riley turned around and then Bodhi and Buttercup saw a beautiful woman named Rebecca but she was disguised as Nicole which Bodhi had new.
Next, Bodhi and Buttercup got trapped into Rebecca's ( Nicole's) world and then Riley was figuring out how to save them when this Prince guy showed up out of nowhere.
Finally, The Prince had Riley do all of this wacky stuff when he didn't have to all of that wacky stuff so then he told Riley about this bubble that leads into Rebecca's world so they went into the bubble and they tried to save Bodhi and Buttercup and they thought if they can think of what Bodhi or Buttercup loves then they could go there and free them. And it worked they had freed Bodhi and Buttercup.

The character that I'm most like is Riley because I like to help people sometimes and she would do ANYTHING to save her friends and her family which I would do the same thing for my friends and family.

My favorite part of the book is

A life event that I could relate to this book was when I was with my friend and we went shopping with her family and we got separated by a line at the food court and we finally found each other but then we went into a store and I had to go to the bathroom so I went and when I came back the store was locked up and my friend ( makaela) was still in there and I asked someone for help and they started asking me questions that I did and didn't know so it took use about 2 hours to get her out because of the guy I asked for help. Which is pretty much just like when Riley asked Prince Kanta for help but it took FOREVER to get some answers.

A vocabulary word that I was unsure of when reading this book was chaotic. The definition of this word is: in a state of complete confusion and disorder. A sentence that has this word in it is: The girl was so chaotic.

Another vocabulary word that I was unsure of when reading this book is obstinate. And here is the definition: stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so. A sentence that use this word is: The dog made up his mind about not going back outside and we know that there is no way that he is changing his mind.

Another vocabulary word that I was unsure about when reading this book is: Perceived and the definition is: Become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or understand. A sentence that uses this word is: Hey, Do you " perceive" that person over there??

Another vocabulary word that I was unsure of when reading this book is phycobabble. The definition of this word is: jargon used in popular psychology. A sentence that has this word in it is: So you are getting a lot of this psychobabble from the school about how tender these sixth, seventh and eighth grades are.