Sexual maturity is reached at around nine months old. In the wild, mating usually occurs between January and February for litters to be born between March and April.The species usually breeds only once each year. Gectation is usually between 50 and 52 days.
At the age of about 1 year, the Fennec are already old enough to create a family. They find a couple for life, they take their territory. They live with a group. Family dwellings are built close to other families of the Fennec, this forming a collective settlement.
Most of species is found in North Africa and Asia. The range is from Morocco through to Egypt, as far south as northern Niger and as far east as the Sinai Peninsula and Kuwait.
The Fennec Fox inhabits sandy deserts, where it prefers to stay near the thickets of grass and sparse shrubs, which provide him shelter and food. He lives in holes with lots of secret moves that digs himself; and is nocturnal.
Fennec discovers great agility and liveliness, the ability to jump high and far, up to 70 cm up. Protective coloration allows it to blend in with the sandy landscape; the data about that. He perfectly developed sense of smell and good night vision.
They have very big ears (15-20cm)
Huge ears enable him to catch the lightest rustle made by its victims.
The exact number of Fennec unknown. They are hunted, they are killed for their fur, and is also caught and sold as Pets. Therefore, they are listed in the red book