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Ferdinand Magellan

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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By Elora Barros
Photo by WalterPro4755


  • He was born in about 1480 either in Sabrosa or Porto, Portugal.
  • He died on April 27th 1521 by a poisoned arrow [in a battle].

Early Life

  • When his parents died he started working as a page (servant).
  • He was 10 years old when his parents died.
Photo by paul bica

Interesting Facts

  • He proved that the world is round.
  • His crew left without him after he died and finally found Spain.
Photo by Ludovico Cera

Sponsor & Motives

  • His sponsors were Portugal and Spain.
  • He wanted to sail around the globe [people thought the world was flat].
  • Also he wanted to find a new western route to Asia.


  • He traveled from Portugal-Philippines-[most likely] Indonesia.
  • He also found a route to the Pacific Ocean.


  • He led the first expedition to circle the southern tip of South America.
  • He found a route to the Pacific Ocean known today as Straits of Magellan.
  • He found the spice islands.
Photo by jeffsmallwood


  • He succeeded in fining the spice islands.
  • In 1507, he returned to India where he participated in several naval battles against Turkish fleets.
Photo by skittledog


Photo by StewC