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Fetal Rights

Published on Nov 19, 2015

Allison Johns Mrs. Murray Fetal Rights Presentation


Fetal Rights

By: Allison Johns
Photo by karthikkito

Should Fetal abuse be punishable by law?

Photo by Domiriel

A pregnant woman was unknowingly given a drug test when she went in for a regular checkup

Photo by hjl

When the test came back positive for crack cocaine, the hospital prosecuted the mother.

Photo by ecstaticist

The case went to state court and then made it to the Supreme Court.

Photo by IslesPunkFan

Hospital view

the mother should be charged for the crimes committed aginst a fetus

If a mother is in her third trimester, the fetus is considered "alive" (Whitner vs South Carolina)

Photo by chrismar

The fetus at the time of the the case was not an "alive person" and crimes committed against them should not be unconstitutional

Photo by Scott*

The hospital was right to persecute the woman because she refused the options of rehabilitation that were given.

When a mother used controlled substances, she gives the fetus no choice but to suffer the same consequences.

"Crack Babies"

  • was considered an epidemic in the 1980's
  • the child is addicted to the crack from the womb 
  • must undergo a 2-4 week withdrawal from the drug
  • huge medical implications
Photo by VinothChandar

Medical effects

  • Growth defects
  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
  • Learning and Developing problems
  • Uncontrolably trembling
  • (Lucille Packard Childrens' Hospital at Stanford)

why don't mothers seek help?

  • Crack destroys the decision making part of the brain
  • Cocaine releases huge amounts of Dopamine (happy hormone)
  • after long term use the brain gets rewired to need the drug
  • Withdrawals include depression, anxiety, anger, and exhaustion
  • (Stephanie Watson howstuffworks.com)
Photo by Ruud Cuypers

While the mother should not of been given a drug test with out her consent, she should be held accountable for her actions and the future consequences.

The Hospital was within it's rights to prosecute the substance abusing mother.


Women should be responsible for crimes they commit aginst a fetus.
Photo by rumpleteaser