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Feudal Africa

Published on Nov 27, 2015

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Photo by angela7dreams

Ghana was a crossroads of trade. Mali won control of lands from the Atlantic to Timbuktu. Songhai took over the Berber salt mines. They made gold,ivory,ebony, and slaves

How did geography affect the development of African civilizations

The gold and salt mines and the Niger River to grow. It affected these kingdoms with rivers and trade with other countries.

Photo by Shardayyy

How did trade impact the kingdoms: Mali, Songhai, Ghana

It affected them because the Kingdoms slowly got richer and richer. The African kingdoms were able to become wealthy through trade.

How did Timbuktu become wealthy

Timbuktu was a trading city along the Atlantic coast. Timbuktu was where Muslim learning took place and where a special market sold handwritten books. Merchants sold boatloads of gold,ivory,cotton, dried fish,and kola nuts.