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Fever 1793

Published on Dec 27, 2015

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FEVER 1793 ☠⚰


  • Coffeehouse - The first floor had 4 large windows. The kitchen is in the back filled with useful shelves built in cupboards to store things.
  • Mattie 's Home - Two beds , a washstand ,and a wooden trunk with frayed leather straps .
Photo by Pavel P.

The American Revolution πŸ’₯πŸ’£
The American Revolution was a political upheaval that took place in Thirteenth American Colonies rejected the British monarchy and aristocracy , overthrew the authority of Great Britain and founded the United States of America .


  • Mattie is Mother ( Lucille Cook ) daughter. She is very strong minded and she kind of have a bad attitude . She works at the coffee with her mother , Eliza , and Grandfather .
  • Mother is a mean person . She was always scolding at Mattie for no reason. She also worked at the coffee shop . As of right now we know she has contracted Yellow Fever.
  • Eliza works as the cook at the coffee shop. When Mother got sick she watched over her. She also has a nasty so so type attitude .
  • Grandfather is a funny and goofy man. He is always in the coffee shop with his partners. He took Mattie to another town because her mom is on the verge of death.
Photo by Tom Hoyle

George Washington was the first President of the United States ( 1789-97 ) , the Commander in Chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States . He presided over the convention that drafted the current United States Constitution and during his lifetime was called the " Father of his country " .

Photo by Joye~


  • Mattie is self-reliant in this book because she has to rely on herself by being able to take care of herself.
  • She is brave because when her and Grandfather was in the woods she had to search for food and not knowing what was out there.
  • She also accomplished something by getting well from yellow fever.
Photo by duncan

FiGuRaTiVe LaNgUaGe πŸ“πŸ”

  • Simile : comparison of two things using the words " like " or " as " .
  • Metaphor : comparison of two things essentially different but with some commonalities; does not use " like " or " as " .
  • Hyperbole : a purposeful exaggeration for emphasis or humor .
  • Onomatopoeia: the use of words that imitate sounds .
  • Imagery : words or phrases that appeal to the readers senses .
  • Foreshadowing : important hints that an author drops to prepare the reader for what is to come, and help the reader anticipate the outcome .
  • Allusion : a reference to a well known person , place , event , literary work , or work of art to enrich the reading experience by adding meaning .
  • Alliteration : the repetition of initial consonant sounds used especially in poetry to emphasize and link words as we'll as creating pleasing , musical sounds .
  • Personification : human qualities attributed to an animal , object , or idea .
  • Symbol : person , place , or thing that represents something beyond itself , most often something concrete or tangible that represents an abstract idea .

Onomatopoeia Example - THUNK !

Photo by spDuchamp

Simile Example - Blubbering like a baby .

Photo by zubrow

Hyperbole Example - Mother would beat back illness with a broom .

Metaphor Example - Followed by a flash of orange fur .

Photo by JD Hancock

Foreshadowing Example - The cover of the book .