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FilmStudies 1-1 Birth of Film

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Early cinema

Film Studies 1-1 Birth of Film

When was the last time you spent 2 hours in a movie theater?

What did you watch?

What is the historical relevance of what you watched in relation to
the medium of FILM?

Why is it important to understand the historical references of
an art or industry?

Persistence of Vision

The phenomenon where the eye remembers what it has just seen after the object has disappeared


Leonardo Da Vinci

Camera Obscura


Magic Lantern

Developed in 17th century


Joseph Plateau

He was the first person to demonstrate the illusion of a moving image

The Phenakistoscope


William George Horner

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Emile Reynaud

The Praxinoscope


Leland Stanford
Governor of California

Insisted a horse takes all four feet off the ground during full stride

To settle a $25,000 bet,
Stanford hired San Francisco photographer Edweard Muybridge

Edweard Muybridge


The American photographer made a series of photographs of a running horse by using a series of cameras

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To display his findings, Muybridge adapted a Zoetrope to create the

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Etienne-Jules Marey

French scientist also interested in analyzing the movement of animals

Invented a camera that recorded 12 separate images on a revolving disc

Chronophotographic gun

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Marey built the first camera to use a flexible strip of film, on paper


George Eastman introduced a crude and flexible film base:

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but I got off track

The projection of the images was not perfect.

Until a revolutionary concept occured


Thomas A. Edison

Edison and his assistant,
W.K.L. Dickson,
developed a camera that made short 35mm films

The width of film in millimeters

Photo by jhmostyn

The Kinetoscope

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Monkey SHines

The first ever Motion Picture