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Final Research Project

A guide to a successful research paper



Photo by Bilderwense


The first and integral piece for a successful research paper is novel. When choosing a novel, do your research. Read the summary of the novel. Look it up online to find out what genre it is. Make sure the novel you choose is a length you can handle reading in the time given. It should seem like something you would enjoy reading. And something you can find yourself working with for an entire quarter.
Photo by Christin Hume

Essential Question

Forming an essential question is the first and obviously most important piece of the paper.

You will be asked to form 5 potential questions. Your teacher will then decide which is the best path for Research Land.
When forming each question there are 5 things you must ask yourself.
1. Are you truly interested in the question?

2. Is the topic big enough to be researchable?

3. Is the topic focused and small enough to be manageable?

4. Is the topic an issue that can be argued for or against?

5. Is there a clear resonance between your proposed topic of research and your selected novel?
Photo by Evan Dennis

Preliminary Research

The definition of preliminary:
an action or event preceding or preparing for something fuller or more important

In this piece you are asked to find two research sources. A summary of what was learned is needed for each. A short paragraph of the resonance to the novel is probably the most crucial requirement of this step. The relevance to novel and essential question is very important because not only will it make it easier when writing the paper but it will also determine the grade you receive from this assignment.

Forming a Thesis

Your thesis will be the engine that gets you through Research Land. If the thesis is strong, your paper will be too. You must define your thesis in a category and use it to guide your research.
Photo by Kay Gaensler


If you get to notecards and you still have only two or three sources, START RESEARCHING!! The more you find the more notecards you have. The more notecards you have, the easier it will be here on out. Not to mention you will be required to bring in a total of 50 notecards when this step is finished. If you bring in more you can earn up to 20 points of extra credit. This is a safety net that you want to take advantage of.
Photo by plindberg


Once all those notecards are finished and you’ve done away with all those cards that really not have a place in your paper, its on to the Outline. The Outline is your GPS. If you give it what it needs, it will lead you to the promise land or at least a successful trip through Research Land.
Photo by Brandi Redd

Body Paragraphs

The Body Paragraphs are probably one of the hardest parts of Research Land. If your Outline is strong and you follow all directions you cant go wrong.
Photo by davidsilver


This may seem a bit weird but it is actually must easier to write an introduction after you’ve written your body paragraphs. The introduction must start with a quote that is it from your novel or one of your sources. It also can’t speak directly about your topic as you are freshly introducing it to the world.


After Introduction, we move on to the final piece: The Conclusion. This is where we briefly summarize what was discussed in the Body Paragraphs and drive it to its destination. Your paper is ended with a quote just like the introduction and your paper is complete.
Photo by Annie Spratt


1. Read if not all then most of your novel over Christmas break. It will make research land and your whole quarter so much easier.

2. Annotate!!!

3. Write down possible essential questions you thought of while reading.

4. Thesis is grammatically parallel!!!

5. Stay on task! Research Land allows for flexibility in turning in assignments. Do yourself a huge favor just turn everything in on the date otherwise life becomes a living nightmare. You also have more time to correct and revise until you earn the grade your after.

6. Keep track of every quote and all information from your research in your paper. To refrain from plagiarism.

7. Add it into the Work Cited immediately, every time you use a need source in your paper.
Photo by aloshbennett


Photo by Derek Bridges