Finger On The Pulse: Insights From The Most Inspiring Social Media Experts

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Finger on the pulse

Insights from the most inspiring social media experts

"If you don't toot your own horn, don't complain that there's no music."
- Guy Kawasaki

Photo by arteunporro

"Social Media is an ingredient, not an entree."
-Jay Baer

Photo by Andrea Goh

"You need to be creating content that they
can find value in."
-Mack Collier

Photo by aprillynn77

"If you believe business is built on relationships, make building them your business."
-Scott Statten

Photo by skedonk

"The goal of social marketing is to have something worth talking about."
-Carrie Kerpen

Photo by Aaron Escobar

"Social media is like feeding a machine
that is never fed."
- Mari Smith

Photo by Nrbelex

"You can never go wrong by investing in communities and the human beings within them."
-Pam Moore

Photo by deansouglass

"If you are a bit unsure, just start - The road will become clearer and the path brighter."
-Jeff Bullas

Photo by ginnerobot

"The biggest challenge isn't doing social,
but being social."
-Rebekah Radice

Photo by DaveFayram

"Shortcuts don't exist. Building and nurturing relationships takes time."
-Barbara Giamanco

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