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First Impressions do Count

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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First Impressions do Count

A how-to guide to engage customers - presented by Thrive Themes
Photo by Ed Yourdon

It takes 7 seconds to cause a first Impression.

What Impression is your website giving?

On those 7 seconds you need to present the WHY, the HOW, and the WHAT of your business.

Not just in text but also visually

You need to guide your customers with visual cues, just like post-it notes do.
Photo by derekbruff

As of Janaury 2014 there are around 861,379,000 registered host names, by clearly stating WHY your website is important, it will differentiate you from the bunch.

You can do this by...

  • Creating videos that introduce your website purpose.
  • Popularize your company's mission statement.
  • Create a social media campaign around why you are doing what you do. (Think Always' #likeagirl campaign)
Check Always #likeagirl campaign: https://youtu.be/XjJQBjWYDTs

Ok, now people know WHY you do what you do. HOW are you going to achieve it though?

This part can be a bit tricky. Sometimes we fall into explaining the technicalities of how it works and honestly... it can be a bit overwhelming for our average website visitor.

The secret is to share our attitude towards what we do with our website. (Think Apple's "Think Different")

Check Apple's brilliant "Think Differently" Campaign:

...and this it your product.
Be it a website, a software or a hardware, your product is not just a product anymore... it is an ideal reinforce by WHY you do it and HOW you do it.

Congratulations :)

Presented by Thrive Themes

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