Five Component Model

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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five component model

MGT 3610
Photo by samgrover


How the company intends to creat value in the marketplace. The manner in which a company applies knowledge to capture value.
Photo by KKfromBB

value proposition

The value created by the company for the user of the product or service.
Photo by IFVP

market segment

Identify those whom the product or service will be useful to and how they will use it. How does this generate revenue for the firm?
Photo by AO'D

value chain

Define the structure of the chain and the firm's place within it. Also discuss the internal value chain.

cost structure & profit potential

Take into consideration the value chain. What is the cost structure of delivering the product or service, does the profit potential justify the value proposition. Can the business model be sustained?
Photo by srv007

competitive strategy

How will the firm gain and hold advantage over its competitors. You should capture value and build competitive barriers.
Photo by Mukumbura

John Volker

Haiku Deck Pro User