Studies show when a classroom becomes a place where a range of student abilities are supported and accepted there are academic gains by special education students as well as general education students
Use inclusive teaching strategies that are based in research in order to develop the most effective teaching methods
The new IDEA act was put in place by the federal law to ensure that students with disabilities can receive an appropriate education in public schools
Part of the law states that the IEP must explain why the student will not be included in a classroom
For at least the past seven years courts have been involved with special education and inclusion. As educators and people this shows us that this is an issue not only of student success, but humanity
Inclusion does not only improve student learning, but helps them develop social skills, social lives, boosts confidence and makes them feel like a member of the school community, which they are
Studies have proven that students as well as teachers develop positive attitudes and relationships with students with disabilities simply by having them in their classroom
It is vital to a students success that those with disabilities are fully supported by their classmates, teachers, supplementary aids and services
Supporting each individual student appropriately increases their chance of success in school and in life
Inclusion allows students with disabilities to be and feel like a productive member of their school. This can motivate and empower them to accomplish goals like getting a job and being a productive member of society