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Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Photo by rubyblossom.


  • Banquo’s son, who survives Macbeth’s attempt to murder him.

D:What does the character do ?

  • Fleance left his father out to die in the cold when the murders came for them
Photo by Justin in SD


  • " The son is fled" [3:3]
  • This quotations shows that Fleance is a careless person who doesn't care about his father death because Fleance did not even try to fight back for his father he just left him there to die.
Photo by kevin dooley

A:What does his appearance tell us ?

  • Fleance would have to wear short fur-lined coat. The garment open either at the front of right shoulder. Punic had either long or short sleeves. A belt was worn with a buckle. Trousers were angle length, and also leggings with a little bit of jewels. Shoes were made out of leather and secured with straps

R: What is hs reputation?

  • In Act 3, scene 4 the murderer has come to Macbeth during his party to update him on their mission. After hearing Fleance has escaped, to the murderer he says " Get thee gone. Tomorrow we'll hear ourselves again". This quote shows how willing Macbeth wants Fleance dead. Also we get a hint that Fleance is a threat to Macbeth because Macbeth in the story only kills those who get in between him and his reign as king.
Photo by Hindrik S