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Flipped Classroom

Published on Nov 26, 2015

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Located to the right of the screen are notes that go into more depth and information.
Photo by profcarlos

What is a Flipped Classroom?

  • Learn subject content at home
  • Work on homework and assignments at school
  • Students work at own pace
  • Use of online technology and activities
A flipped classroom is where what students usually do at home such as homework or activities, and what students do at school, such as listen to lectures and learn content are switched.

In the flipped classroom model students learn the content the day or night before through online lectures or activities so that they can come into school the next day already understanding what they are going to do. Then during the school day students practice these concepts and strengthen their knowledge through experience while the teacher acts as a guide and resource.
Photo by HckySo

Example of Traditional School Time Used

In a traditional classroom, students would spend lots of time learning the content at a slowed pace so that everyone could follow along.

This approach leaves out two groups of students. Students that need extra time on work may feel rushed to keep up with everyone else, while students that excel may feel unmotivated and bored because the content is not coming to slowly.

This can lead to misbehavior in the classroom and distraction for the teacher from students that fall into these two categories

Example of Flipped Classroom Time Used

Here the model is flipped and students learn the content at their own pace, allowing them to go over sections they had trouble with, and moving at a pace that the student is most comfortable with.

These graphs can obviously change in percentage, and sometimes more time is needed learning content over practicing, but understanding the ability for students to work on their own time can greatly improve the students work time.

This approach also uses classroom time more efficiently by having students work on activities at their own pace at school as well, and students that excel can work on more difficult tasks, while students that need more time can use the teacher as a resource.

Technology Integration

  • Technology is used for at home and in class learning
  • Students access online videos through emails, or Google Drive
  • Not all flipped lessons are online
  • Some can be worksheets and/or visual activities
With a flipped classroom comes the use of Digital Technology. Some methods for students to learn content at home is through online activities, power points, presentations, or games.

However, this can be a problem in not all students have access to this kind of technology at home.

These problems can be addressed in different ways.

1. Teacher allows time during lunch, after school, or before school for students to come in and watch videos or work on content.

2. Teacher creates other versions of the lesson so that students can take home the lesson and work physically on it with paper or by book.

What Kind of Technology?

  • iPad's
  • SmartBoards
  • Laptops
  • Webcams
  • LeapFrog Readers
Because content is learned at home, classroom time can be better used understanding, applying, and creating content.

Because Summerhouse is one-to-one iPad, students have the ability to use iPad presentations at home or at school. Students can use hands on drawing and kinestetics with SmartBoards and iPads. Students can use spoken word LeapFrog readers to develop understanding of english and reading.

The possibilities are endless for students and teachers in different ways to use technology in the classroom.
Photo by bengrey

Why Should You Like the Flipped Classroom Model?

While you as parents may not understand the flipped classroom model because it is different from traditional schooling, the main point to take away from the model is this.

Learning is very student centered. The flipped classroom model is based off working toward student interest, student pacing, and student motivation.

By flipping certain aspects and lessons students can learn the content at their own speed at home, then practice skills at school with their peers and their teacher as a resource.

This method also takes away the teacher as a facilitator of all knowledge. Most people are used to teachers being the only ones that can provide knowledge, with the flipped method students are now in charge on whether they learn the content, but the teacher is still positively encourages, engages, challenges, and motivates the students to be the best they can be.
Photo by riaskiff