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Follow Jesus

Published on Nov 30, 2015

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Jesus Our Example

Jesus: Example of Love

  • The Bible is a book mostly of love!
  • Jesus being the greatest example of love!
  • He performed miracles, taught, and worked with all people.
  • Jesus showed us how to be compassionate and kind.
  • He should be our example even today!


  • Jesus is eternal (John 1:1-3)
  • Jesus is also God (Philippians 2:6-7)
  • Jesus took on human form and came to earth (virgin birth by Mary)

Jesus: Part of the Deity

  • As God in the flesh, Jesus is able to show us exactly what God is like.
  • Hebrews 1:3
  • John 14:9
  • Whatever we want to know about God the Father we can learn from studying Jesus.

God's Love

  • As Jesus shows us the Father, we see that God loves us enough to destroy the devil's power & provide a way of salvation.
  • Jesus basic job here on earth had eternal significance.

Jesus: The Example

  • Jesus' life serves as an example to us
  • Example in serving, humility, suffering, sacrifice, etc.
  • Jesus' life shows us what God the Father is like, but it also shows what the the Father expects us to aim for.


Our example in obedience

Matthew 3

  • Jesus is baptized
  • Was Jesus baptized because He was a sinner?
  • 2 Corinthians 5:21
  • Jesus was baptized to obey God
  • "This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased." Matthew 3:17

Jesus' Teachings

  • Jesus taught that one must love and obey God above anything else!
  • Matthew 6:33
  • Jesus came to save all
  • Luke 19:10
  • Mark 2:17



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Matthew 11:29

  • "Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle (meek) and lowly in heart..."

Jesus' Triumphal Entry

  • We see an example of Jesus' meekness in Matthew 21.
  • Returning to Jerusalem on a donkey as praises were sang, people laid tree branches for him, and as crowds gathered.
  • Contrast to an earthly king's entrance
  • Perfect example of meekness displayed by the King of Kings!


Our example of sacrifice


  • Definition - the offering of animal, plant, or human life or of some material possession to a deity, as in propitiation or homage.

Main reason for Jesus coming to earth was to sacrifice himself.
But why did He do that?

Jesus sacrificed himself for us because of His love and He wanted nobody to be punished eternally!


  • Result of sin is punishment and death
  • James 1:15
  • God is righteous and must carry out justice


  • Man's sin put God in a somewhat difficult situation.
  • Man sinned. We deserved to be punished! Simple!
  • But God's love was greater. He didn't want us to suffer eternally!
  • Justice would be served. But by one that did not owe a debt Himself.


  • Jesus had not sinned thus he didn't deserve to die.
  • He owed no debt, so he could pay our debt.
  • He was punished instead of us who deserve to be.
  • God's love is greater than we could ever imagine.


  • Mediator is someone who can represent 2 parties to each other.
  • Jesus is eternal, He is God as well as man, and He sacrificed himself for us.
  • This puts Him in the unique position to represent both parties equally and accurately.
  • Just the man for the job!



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Our Problem-God's Solution

  • Everyone sins (Romans 3:23)
  • Jesus mediates for us and this should make a difference in our lives
  • I John 2:1
  • Jesus has experienced life and temptation. He is there with God on our behalf.
  • God already loves us and wants to forgive us. Its a winning situation for us!

Example of Jesus

  • Don't forget about the life of Jesus
  • He doesn't just tell us how to live, but He also has given us the example of Jesus.
  • He tells us what he expects, but He also shows us just how to do it.

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