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food safety

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Photo by xavi talleda

-Don't catch a knife, when it is falling.
-Don't put a grease fire out with water.
-Don't open the lid towards you when looking at food in a pot
-Don't put a knife in soapy water.

Photo by Leopostle

Chemicals(2 things you should not do)
-Do not mix chemicals.
-Do not put chemicals by fire/hot surfaces.
Electrical Safety(3 guidelines)
-Keep electrical wires away from water and liquid substances.
-Do not cut the wire.
-Do not try mask taping or tape a broken wire.
Put fire out on range top
-Smother it.
-Fire extinguisher.

Keeping food safe to eat(4 groups of people more susceptible to food Bourne illnesses)
-Pregnant Women
-People with disease
-Young children, older adults
Bacteria found in a Eggs, Raw Meat, and Poltary

Photo by NIAID

Most deadly form of food poisoning
Temp. Danger Range and why it's dangerous
-because bacteria grows faster and doesn't go away much.

Cross contamination and how it is avoided
-Cross contamination is the transfer of harmful bacteria from one food to another.
-Can be avoided by wearing gloves, or washing your hands.
Cooking or freezing food kill bacteria?
-No, it either creates more bacteria or stops the growth, also there are natural bacteria on some food.

Photo by StuartWebster

3 tips for thawing food safely
-Put in COLD water.
-Put in fridge.
-If put on counter, no longer then 2 hours.
Time length of keeping left overs
-3-4 days at most.

Photo by lynn.gardner

Botulism- A rare bacteria that may enter the body through wounds, or they may live in improperly canned or preserved food.
E. Coli- A rod-shaped bacterium that is commonly found in the lower intestine of warm-blooded organisms.
Salmonella- A bacterium that occurs mainly in the intestine.
Bacteria- a member of a large group of unicellular microorganisms, including some that can cause disease

Photo by NIAID

Toxins- are substances created by organisms and bacteria that are poisonous to humans, may include medication in small doses.
Two hour rule- Perishable foods out no longer then 2 hours.
Perishable foods- Foods that go bad/spoil.
Thaw law- Best way to thaw food is in the fridge, and cold water