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Food Security

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Food Security

Miranda and Gharms

What is Food Security

  • Defined as:the state of having reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food.
Photo by ericmcgregor


  • In your words what is food security? Give examples of how it looks and who is food secure?
Photo by thisisbossi


  • Approxemitally 925 million hungry people in the world.
  • That is the equivilant to 1 in 8 people go hungry every day
  • Poor people spend between 50 and 80 per cent of their income on food
  • Around 1.4 billion people live on less then us$1.25 a day


  • Breadfruit is a starch fruit found in the South Pacific that can be used as a replacement for a starch in meals.
Photo by Kanu Hawaii


  • G.M.O. stands for genetically modified organisim.


  • In the U.S., GMOs are in as much as 80% of conventional processed food.
  • Over 80% of all GMOs grown worldwide are engineered for herbicide tolerance. (Toxic)
Photo by Leo Reynolds

So why resort to GMOs?

  • GMOs allow for greater yields to most things they are applied to
  • They prevent fruits and vegteables to dying to to certain bugs
  • They are most commonly herbicides
  • Can cause fruits and vegetables to grow larger.
Photo by hetan_hunt13

So why resort to GMOs?

  • GMOs allow for greater yields to most things they are applied to
  • They prevent fruits and vegteables to dying to to certain bugs
  • They are most commonly herbicides
  • Can cause fruits and vegetables to grow larger.
Photo by hetan_hunt13

Round 1:

  • If breadfruit was able to be produced throughout the world do you think it is enough to solve food security throughout the world.

Round 2

  • Is it possible for the whole world to be food secure at the same time why or why not?
Photo by MDGovpics

Final round

  • Are GMOs unavoidable and should we stop using them? How would GMOs to effect the breadfruit plant?

That's a Wrap
Thank you!?

Photo by SerenityRose