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Food Waste in America

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Food Waste in America

Ximena and Juan Ignacio

Food waste statistics

  • The average amount of food that goes to waste is up to 40%. 
  • This is equal to 20 pounds per person per month. 
  • The U.S. spends per year about 1 million dollars, only to dispose food.  
  • Around 35 million tons of food waste were generated in 2010. 
  • The average person in the U.S wastes 10 times more than someone in Asia. 

The problem

The problem we are facing is that too many food is wasted, 48% of waste is generally food.

Our solution is to locate several trashcans around the school like in the soccer field, food court, fresco stand and around some hallway. The trash cans will be located next to each other, one will hold food wastes and the other one plastic plates.

Every thursday one of us can go after soccer or other after school activities and mix the waste and water it. We would need help from people that clean the school to take the trashcans to the soccer field. The waste is not going to be taken to the soccer field, in the soccer field there is the place of the NASA club that is not being used.

We can ask the school if we have permission to use that open space to do our composting. So going to back to what we needed, we need maintenance to take the food wastes up to the NASA club and put the trash there so that every Thursday and some Tuesdays to go mix and water the wastes.

Food waste per year 

Untitled Slide

Photo by hectorir


Waste in Managua 

Cost to dispose trash.

The End