Forest fires most commonly happen in forests, grasslands, shrub lands and dry grassy areas. Most are in Australia, while sometimes in the dry lands of North America and Europe. These fires can kill the ecosystem, including the animals and plants within it. Forest fires can also destroy nearby people and buildings.
Forest Fires and Wild fires can burn millions of hectares (10,000m2) a year, burning trees and plant life all around. Believe it or not, some company's are actually paid to start forest fires, so that they eliminate excessive fuel build up.
It's nearly impossible to prevent them, because some company's are actually paid to start them, so there's no stopping that. Lighting can start one, which, once again we cannot prevent. And some people deliberately start forest fires, and we don't know exactly who they are. This is called Arson. Purposely starting fires to certain locations. So, we can try preventing them, but it wouldn't be very easy for us to do so.
Stopping them isn't as easy, either. Many firefighters are needed. Helicopters are used to get water from nearby water sources, and then pour it onto the fire to put it out. Most forest fires can last very long, because of how hard it is to put them out.
All in all, forest fires can cause A LOT of damage to our environment, by destroying lots of plant life, animal habitats including animals, and possibly buildings as well as garbage if it spreads.