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Fossil Record

Published on Jan 11, 2016

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Fossil Record

Creation V Evoution 
Photo by tarotastic

What we know about the fossil record

  • Fossils are parts of an organism that decay but are somewhat preserved in rocks over time.
  • Fossils help with recording history and dating time eras
  • It helps scientist learn how the environment played a role in an organism's lives, it it helps them date to when the a organism lived and how old it is.
Photo by subarcticmike

Creation can't be the answer

  • There is no way the world can only be a few thousand years old, the world is millions of years old
  • Evolution of species can be observed inside the fossils
  • Most fossils are from organisms that lived in the past 600 million years
  • The world and its organisms within it couldn't be created within a week, it would take millions of years for organisms to evolve from cells
  • Sedimentary rock takes millions of years to form (Coal)
Photo by kevin dooley


Could the result be a creator ?
Photo by plosone-phylo

Charles Darwin was most widely known for his evolutionary theory . Along with his many contributions to the field of science.

Photo by APS Museum

Creation and the fossil record

  • The world is only around 20,000 years old
  • The fossil record has sufficient fossils and insufficient evidence
  • Evolution is only a theory not a proven scientific fact
  • There are some fossils which are out of place in the strata

Complex creatures

Are there flaws in the fossil record?
Photo by kevinzim

the flood

What part does the flood play in the fossil record?

God and his creation

Genesis 1:31- God saw what he made and it was very good 


  • If creation is true, then there is a Creator to who we are accountable to. Evolution is an enabler for atheism. Evolution gives atheists a basis for explaining how life exists apart from a Creator God. Evolution denies the need for a God to be involved in the universe. According to the Bible, the choice is clear. We can believe the Word of our omnipotent and omniscient God, or we can believe in the “scientific” explanations of fools.
Photo by Richard.Asia

Work Cited

  • "Fossil Record." Britannica Encyclopedia. Encyclopedia Britannica Inc, n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2016. .
  • Fossil Evidence Supports Evolution." About Religion. About Atheism. Inc, 14 Dec. 2014. Web. 13 Jan. 2016. .
  • "AccordingtotheScriptures.org :: Does the Fossil Record Prove Evolution?" AccordingtotheScriptures.org :: Does the Fossil Record Prove Evolution? N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Jan. 2016. .
  • "How Does Young Earth Creationism Handle the Evidence for Millions of Years in the Fossil Record?" GotQuestions.org. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Jan. 2016. .
Photo by -Polo

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