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Mix & Flow


A fluid is a anything that doesn’t have a fixed shaped and can flow.

Some gases at certain temperatures adhere to this definition

Fluids often transport something.

Log drives, O2 & CO2 in blood, sewage, slurpees

Photo by greglobinski

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Photo by Lurm


  • Matter - pure substances and mixtures
  • Mixtures - Mechanical, solutions and suspensions
Photo by Lurm

Suspension (colloids)

  • Solids carried by a liquid.
  • Often kinetic energy is involved in the buoyancy
  • Often settles in time
Photo by Lurm


  • A suspension, but particles are so small, they never settle.
  • Milk is a colloid
  • Foam is a colloid
Photo by Lurm

Pure Substances & Mixtures

Pure substances are elements. You can’t separate them anymore. Anything else is a mixture.

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Mechanical mixtures - think gravel.
Heterogeneous too.

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Water is considered the universal solvent (all other solvents are jealous).

Homeopathy is a very questionable
treatment involving increasingly lower concentrations of solute in solvent.
To the point when there is a higher concentration of solute in tap water.

Photo by James Sutton

Saturation - when no more solute can be dissolved (the opposite of homeopathy).

Unsaturated- when more solvent can be dissolved into the mixture.

Photo by Horia Varlan

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Photo by karenblakeman

Types of Solutes/Solvents

  • Air - which is the solvent?
  • Coke - what is the solute?
  • Vinegar - the solute is?
  • Bronze - is an alloy of?
Photo by karenblakeman

Heating things makes blending easier

  • It’s easier to convince tea or coffee to mix with water.
  • It makes space for it.

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Photo by Beny Shlevich

Can you simply add

the volumes to a solute and solvent to find the solution volume?
Photo by mag3737

Particle Model

  • Different states determine their density
  • These bits can be attracted, bonded or free
  • Much of this model is wrong.

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What is water displacement?

Photo by jl.cernadas

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Photo by broterham

Density = mass/volume

Photo by kevin dooley

As temperature alters density, the bouyancy of a thing changes with both temperature and the solution it’s in.

Hot air balloon & high pressure day, boat in salt water

Photo by O.S. Fisher

How does your vest change your buoyancy?