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Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Photo by Werner Kunz

Social (hairstyles)

  • This is a photograph of Marie Antoinette
  • You can see how large and lavish her hair was back when she was queen
  • This picture shows how much money she spent on herself and how little
  • she spent on France's problems.
  • It also started a trend among other women in France at that time period

Social (taille)

  • The Taille was created in the middle ages to get taxes 
  • from peasants. The Nobles who fought in war and the Clergy
  • who were exempt from war did not have to pay the taxes.
  • So it all fell on the peasants and lower class citizens.
  • The Taille was banned during the Revolution in 1789

social (declaration of the rights of women and citizen)

  • In 1791 women wanted more rights so they felt equal to men
  • The contents of the declaration just stated how they thought that men and 
  • women were equal and should be treated like it
  • It fits in with Social because it talks about how the rights varied based
  • on your gender and it did not matter if you were qualified or not

social citations

  • "Women’s Hairstyles & Cosmetics of the 18th Century: France & England, 1750-1790." Dmod RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 May 2014. .
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympe_de_Gouges (picture of marie antoinette)
  • Cloherty. "The French Revolution." Flashcards. N.p., Oct. 2013. Web. 07 May 2014. 
  • The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. "Taille (French History)." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 15 May 2014. 

Political  (Napoleon bonaparte)

  • Napoleon was a military man from a young age
  • He went to a military school and moved up in the ranks very 
  • quickly. He became a leader of France but he made a few mistakes that  
  • lead to his downfall. This picture shows him fighting in the war but also
  • how he was a trusted part of France.

political (family compact)

  • After the French and Indian war ended The french wanted
  • to make peace with Great Britain but Great Britain would not have it
  • When the Spanish King Charles III hear about it he went to his cousin
  • and they signed an alliance on August 15, 1761 
  • Now Spain and France were allies against Great Britain

political (Fort Duquesne)

  • There was a fort that William Trent and other men were building
  •  until the French found out about it and they went to take it over
  • The French went in on April 17, 1754 and destroyed it
  • The French then went and built their own fort in its place 
  • called Fort Duquesne 

political citations

political citations part 2

  • Incidents Leading up to the French and Indian War, 1753–54 - 1750–1775 - Milestones - Office of the Historian. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 May 2014. 

religion (1798)

  • Religion became ruled by the state
  • This change in ruling over religion became very
  • popular to the revolutionaries 
  • The country made these changes because they did not
  • want another French Revolution to occurr


  • For the most part France has always 
  • had a large population of Catholics in France.
  • Except during the French revolution when 

Religion (1801)

  • Napoleon signed a concordat 
  • He signed it alongside the Vatican
  • The concordat gave power back to the church
  • prior to the French Revolution


  • The guillotine was put in the middle of the town
  • It replaced the statue of King Louis
  • It was very important because during the revolution it was where
  • the king and queen were beheaded and everyone could see

technology (Hot Air Balloon)

  • The hot air balloon was first invented by two french brothers
  • I found it significant because it showed how advanced the
  • the inventions of technology went farther than any of the inventors
  • thought was possible. 


  • Most timber comes from pine trees
  • Louisiana and Canada were France's biggest areas for trade 
  • Softwood and Hardwood
  •  "Materials." BBC News. BBC, n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2014
Photo by dying regime

intellectual (interchangeable parts)

  • The idea of making interchangeable parts came around
  • in the early 18th century a french gunsmith used a gun with all 
  • interchangeable parts but the french government did not like it
  • That picture shows the new kind of open chamber for a gun with all
  • the many parts that you can change and move around

intellectual (Mayonnaise)

  • In 1756 a French chef who worked for the Duke de Richelieu
  • Some of the people who created these new foods or parts had
  • such advanced thinking because he took many different ingredients
  • and made it into a fantastic new topping that no one had ever even
  • thought to make

intellectual (metric system)

  • In 1790 France The National Assembly told the Academy of 
  • sciences to make the unit of measure the one that the whole country 
  • would use. 

intellectual citations

  • "Interactives . Metric Conversions." Interactives . Metric Conversions. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 May 2014. 
  • "Eighteenth Century Inventors and Inventions: EnchantedLearning.com." Eighteenth Century Inventors and Inventions: EnchantedLearning.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 May 2014. 

Environmental (picture of industrial pollution)

  • Since there were many new inventions and many factories
  • being created in cities. This photo shows us how much pollution
  • is coming out of all the factories effecting the air that the people
  • have to breath everyday. 

Economic (picture of marie Antoinette and Louis XVi)

  • During the French Revolution the king and queen did not 
  • care about how everyone in their country were living and in 
  • this painting is shows how nicely they were dressed when 
  • the people of their country could not even afford food

Economic (coal and steam engine)

  • New technology was created for example the picture of the steam engine 
  • is one new and efficent form of getting things from place to place
  • France could not afford a steam engine because it did not have enough coal
  • After the french revolution and napoleon France was still trying to build
  • back up their economy.
Photo by wwwuppertal

Environmental/Economic citations

  • http://tinyurl.com/9afgo (marie antoinette and louis xvi)
  • "The Spread of the Industrial Revolution." , The Industrial Revolution, Industrial Revolution, SOSE: History Year 9, NSW. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 May 2014. 
  • "Industrial Pollution and Risk: The Great French Shift, 1750-1850." Industrial Pollution and Risk: The Great French Shift, 1750-1850. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 May 2014. 

religion citation

  • " Religion in France." Religion in France. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 May 2014. 

technology citation

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