In 476 CE, the Western Roman empire fell when Germanic General Odoacer deposed of the last emperor
481-511: Clovis rules as a strong military and political leader of the Franks. The Franks become a prominent military and political power in Western Europe.
486: Clovis leads Frankish forces on a campaign that wiped out the crumbling Roman authority in Gaul. He later brings other Germanic tribes near Gaul under his control.
481-511: Clovis's wife, Clotilda, converts her husband to Roman Christianity, or Catholicism, from a polytheistic pagan religion during his reign
538-594: Gregory of Tours, who was a bishop in central Gaul, composed a History of the Franks, which is the cheif source of information over the early days of the kingdom
751: The aristocratic clan of the Carolingians seize control of the Frankish Kingdom. The new dynasty was founded by Charles Martel, who served as deputy to one of the last of Clovis's descendants, and his son who became the first king of the dynasty.
768-814: Charlemagne rules the Franks and brings the realm to new heights. He temporarily reestablished imperial centralized rule to quash the efforts of ambitious local rulers and expanded the Frank's Kingdom to include northeastern Spain, Bavaria, and Italy
768-814: Charlemagne institutes a new group of imperial officials known as missi dominici, who traveled every year to all local jurisdictions and reveiwed the accounts of local authorities.
800: Pope Leo III proclaimes Charlemagne emperor during one of his campaigns to Italy.
814-840: Charlemagne's son, Louis the Pious, rules the Franks, but loses control of local authorities and weakens the kingdom.
871-899: King Alfred unites the Angles, Jutes, and Saxons and establishes them as the kings of all of England.
843: Louis's three sons dispute the inheritance of the empire and agree to split it into three equal portions, which destroys the Carolingian dynasty.
Early 900s: The Muslims, Gimings, and Magyars attack and invade the Franks, contributing to the decline of the Carolingian dynasty.
Charlemagne helped to establish a strong, centralized imperial government with smaller subdivisions of officials that managed the kingdom on a local scale. He also helped to expand the Frank's territory and increase its economic, military, and political power.