He was born January 30,1882 in Hyde Park, New York. Parents: Sara Roosevelt , James Roosevelt. Siblings : Half brother James Roosevelt.
Education: He went to a school called Gordon Preparatory and the University called Harvard University.
Marriage & Children : Eleanor Roosevelt James, Roosevelt , Elliott Roosevelt Anna Roosevelt , and John Roosevelt.
What Job did he have Before his Presidency: He was a lawyer ,assistant secretary of the Navy, and governor of New York.
How Many Terms Served: He was the only president to serve 4 terms ( 1 term =4 years) Political Party: Democrat .Vice President: Henry A. Wallace ,Harry S. Truman , John Nance Garner
- He led trough the Great depression,
- He passed the 21st Amendment in 1933 putting an end to prohibited a nd allowing alcoholic beverages
- Asked Congress for a declaration of war with Japan.
After the Presidency: He collected stamps and he died April 12,1945 because he had Hemorrhage.