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Published on Dec 05, 2015

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Photo by Jaime Olmo

First Amendment:
The United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting.

Photo by Marc Wathieu

KKK to hold rally at gettysburg

  • "The Ku Klux Klan has been granted a permit to hold a rally at the Gettysburg battlefield next month and the opposition has come out swinging. "
  • As one man, whose great-great-great-grandfather was in the Battle of Gettysburg, puts it to CBS 21: "To have the KKK come here is obnoxious. To speak with as much emotion as I can get without swearing ... to me it's abhorrent they would come to this battlefield to do anything."
Photo by Jeff Kubina

Part II

  • "The National Park Service, however, explained its "mission in preserving and protecting the historic resources at Gettysburg includes making them available to all Americans, even those whose views are contrary to the majority of the American public."
  • "And as CBS 21 reports, the KKK took to Gettysburg once before; police were needed to patrol a rally in 2006, though no serious incidents were reported.

In the article the klu klax klan is said to be heading to Gettysburg for a Rally, but is it against their freedom of Speech if they want to express themselves during this Rally.

-Questioning their exercise of Free Speech in a public area, even if its at a historical landmark.

-Is it really about them being allowed to go to Gettysburg or is it about who they are in general?
Photo by VinothChandar

I believe the Klu Klax Klan have the right to speak their minds at a Rally because it is the right as an American, as long as violence isn't created, their freedom isn't taken away from them.

- Who can really decide for others?

-Do they really have their own rights as well as others or are they not allowed to express themselves because of their history?

The Constitution protects those who want their rights as American's be protected. Which is what the First Amendment does for everyone in America, no matter their religion, race or what they have to say. Many believe the Klu Klax Klan shouldn't be able to go to Gettysburg in the first place because to them it is as if they are just mocking that area of history, but we as the people should know as long as it is peaceful and no riots start everyone has the privilege to speak their mind and do what is their right.

What the Constitution and the Amendments really protect the people from.

Part of The First Amendment protects you from government action suppressing your right to free speech. It does not protect you from private individuals negative reaction to your speech.

Know the difference between what the government can not do to us and what everyone else can.
Photo by DonkeyHotey

In Conclusion there is also another kind of speech that can also take the privilege of free speech from a person without causing a riot and that is known as 'Hate Speech.' Which is known to emotionally disturb and hurt others to the point where they think they are not worth anything and I believe if we all worked on it maybe we can make this world a little better, little by little. No matter what race or religion we believe in, no one should put others in shame.

"Hate Speech is not Free Speech
Every time hate Speech is permitted,
It costs someone part of his or herself,
Part of their self-respect, or part of their sanity.
It rips people to shreds and destroys society...
Hate Speech is anything but Free."
Photo by pedrosimoes7

Thank you and Goodnight

Photo by wwarby