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French Revolution Vocabulary

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Basic rights given to all people are called Human Rights

Tyranny is the unjust use of power.

King Louis was the king of France and Navarre from 1774-1791.

Queen Marie Antonette was the queen of France married to King Louis XVI. Beheaded during the French Revolution.

The 3 Estates.
The first estate was the Roman Catholic Clergy.(Owned 15% of the land and made up 1% of the population) The second estate was made up of aristocracy and nobles. ( owned up to 25% of the land and made up 2% of the population) The third estate was the population. It included lawyers, merchants, craftsman, and peasants. (Paid 100% of the taxes and owned 60% of the land.)

An assembly made up of representatives from all 3 estates was referred to as an Estates General.

Aristocracy is a word used to describe the general group of nobles.

The Bourgeoise is the middle class.

The National Assembly is a government consisting of delegates from the third estate.

The fall of the Bastille was when King Louis XVI banned the third estate from meetings with the estates general.paris soon exploded in rebellion and a large crowd soon stormed a hated French prison (Bastille). All prisoners were set free.

The tennis court oath was a new constitution written on the Kings tennis court.

The declaration of the rights of man and citizens was adopted on August 26th 1789. It was written by Marquis de Lafayette with advice from Thomas Jefferson. It said that government got its power from the people not the king.

The National Convention was a government set up by radicals.

Radicals are people who favor quick and far reaching changes.

Jacobins was a radical revolutionary group.

The committee of Public Safety was created in March 1793 by the National Convention and then restructured in July 1793 forming the de facto execution government in France during the reign of terror.

Robespierre became a dictator and started the Reign of Terror. He gained increased power from the Radicals.

The Reign of Terror was the time period when Robespierre took control as dictator and killed anyone suspected of being disloyal to the Revolution, or who might want to return the monarch.

The Directory was when French was ruled by 5 moderate men from 1795-1799.

Napoleon Bonaparte was a French soldier who staged a coup d'état. He took the title of First Consul and repaired the corrupted government along with creating the Napoleonte Code.

A coup d'état is a swift seizure of government usually by someone within the government.

A dictatorship is when a country is governed by a dictator.

The Napoleonic Code was a uniform system of laws.