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Freudian Theory

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Objective: Using theories produced by Sigmund Freud and other psychologist we will analyze society and some of the psychological origins of societal issues.

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Sigmund Freud: An Austrian neurologist, he is also known as the father of psychoanalysis.

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Psychoanalysis: Psychoanalysis is a form of psychotherapy used by qualified psychotherapists to treat patients who have a range of mild to moderate chronic life problems. It is related to a specific body of psychotherapy where the psychoanalyst attempts to trigger the unconscious mind of the subject. Psychoanalysis is done one-on-one with the patient and the analyst; it is not appropriate for group work.

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The Id: The Id is a aspect of the mind that adheres to instinctual desires. According to Freud, the Id is the source of all mental energy. The id seeks undiscriminant and immediate gratification. It is pleasure seeking and rules over the libido as well as the death instinct.

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The Ego: is the organized, rational, reality oriented system of the mind. It develops in the first two years of life and holds the id in check until a more rational option is available. The ego attempts to achieve goals by realistic and moral means. The ego prevents the id from breaking the principles of the superego.

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The Superego: the superego is a learned aspect of the mind. It's ideals often contradict those of the id. The superego operates in terms of good and bad. It is the aspect of the mind that produces the person we want to be. The superego is formed around age 5 through punishment and reward and is a part of the oedipal complex resolution.

Photo by One From RM


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Using your knowledge of Freud's theories, describe an instance when you took action based on the whims of your Id, Ego and Superego. Provide one example for each.