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Friere: Pedagogy Of Oppressed

Published on Nov 25, 2015

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Think of two different classrooms, one that is modeled on Freire's "banking education" and one that modeled on his "problem-posing education". How is learning, student-teacher relationships, student-community relations different between the two?
The student-teacher relationship in a “banking education” is one that silences the opinion of students. More so where the teacher is the depository and the student is the depositor. the student is like a parrot they are to receive, memorize and repeat. Basically, adapting to task given by the teacher cut off from any decision-making.
When it comes to a student-community relation in a “banking education“ there is a barrier where the student are not encourage or able to be explorers to think of innovative ways to improve. Because, this method is an instrument of conformity, a acceptor of the conditions presented.
In contrast a student-teacher relationships in” problem-posing education” is a collective effort between the student and teacher sharing ideas on real life conditions and solutions. The method nourishes by the love of life and not death of voice.
The student-community relation is well perceived because the student develop a sense of belong with the world recognizing their existence. No longer being docile but a critical thinker through fellowship with community members to carry out humanity.

How can people emerge from cultural silence:
To emerge from cultural silence students need to understand that they are educated individuals. If students believe that their ideas and opinions matter then they are less likely to be silent. Students should be taught how to critically and creatively deal with their own realities and how to think in a way that will solve problems.

Why does Freire believe education is suffering from narration sickness:
Freire thinks that teachers are not narrating to their students properly. In a learning situation, teachers should be the narratoring subject and students should be the listening objects. Teachers should be filling their students with content that is detached from reality and giving their ideas significance. Learning can also be looked at as banking. In the "banking concept" teachers are the depositors and students are the depositories.

How does Freire define the "culture of silence"? How is perpetuated by society?:
Freire believes that the oppressed are a direct product of a paternal economic, social and political system that disfavors them. Freire believes the education system is an integral part of the this system. Everyone regardless of how deep they are in the "culture of silence" has the ability to learn to think critically over time.

How, according to Freire, how does knowledge emerge for students?
According to Friere, "Knowledge emerges only through invention and re-invention, through the restless, impatient continuing, hopeful inquiry human beings pursue in the world, with the world, and with each other." This means that the misconstrued memorization tactics are not required for learning but rather interaction, real life situations applied to academics and the will to question information instead of taking everything as is.