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Ft. Fisher Vocab. Part 1

Published on Feb 03, 2016

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ADAPTATION: a physical characteristic that a plant or animal has that makes it possible for it to live in it's environment.

BIVALVE: a class of mollusk that has two hinged shells, such as clams.

Photo by jsj1771

CARNIVOROUS PLANTS: any plant which has adapted to it's envoirnment of nitrogen poor soil by ingesting insects (also called insectivores.)

DETRITUS: dead plant matter and microorganisms that form the basis of the food chain.

ECOSYSTEM: a natural system in which living things and nonliving things (soil, air) are linked.

EPIPHYTE: a plant that gets it's moisture and food from air and rain and uses another plant for support (ex. Spanish moss.)

Photo by MechKit

ESTUARY: where fresh water meets salt water (Zeke's Island at mouth of Cape Fear.)

HABITAT: the substitute arrangement of food, water, shelter and space so that an animal can live.

Photo by angela7dreams

LICHEN: plant made up of algae (food source for the fungus) and fungus (support and water for the algae.)

Photo by loop_oh

OMNIVORE: an animal that eat either plants or animals, depending on which is available (people, bears, blue crabs, shrimp.)

Photo by matlacha