Fundamental Five

Published on Feb 09, 2016

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Fundamental Five

The Formula for Quality Instruction
Photo by harold.lloyd

Untitled Slide

Photo by Leo Reynolds

This is NOT One More Thing

Photo by JD Hancock

Survey Says

Photo by comedy_nose

Untitled Slide

5 Best Practices

  • Framing the Lesson
  • Work the Power Zone
  • Frequent, Small, Group, Purposeful Talk
  • Recognize and Reinforce
  • Write Critically

When these 5 critical instructional practices are implemented CONSISTENTLY they raise the achievement level of ALL students!

Framing the Lesson

Two Parts

to every framed lesson plan

The teacher gives the students a clear picture of
WHAT will be happening TODAY
WHAT they will be able TO DO with that knowledge

Writing this objective acts like a filter

Framing the Lesson

  • Written in concrete, student friendly language
  • Communicates a CLEAR focus to student and teacher
  • Uses academic vocabulary & Blooms
Photo by hubertk

It is the beginning and the end

of the lesson plan
Photo by Cartel82

6.11 Student understands the concepts of limited and unlimited governments. The student is expected to identify reasons for limiting power of government.

We will discuss reasons for limiting government power.

I will (share/write) the pro's and con's of limiting government power.

We will add and subtract decimals.

I will calculate the balance of a checkbook.


We will add and subtract decimals.
I will complete #'s 1-25 on page 16.

Power Zone

Get in the action!

Think about Arrangement

Can you get to students?
Photo by sickmouthy

Power Zone

  • Teacher gives feedback
  • Teacher reinforces
  • Limits off task behavior

Untitled Slide

Photo by LizMarie_AK

Untitled Slide

Photo by James F Clay


  • Students in small groups working individually
  • Teacher at the desk

Frequent, Small-Group, Purposeful Talk about Learning

Photo by USAG Yongsan


  • Students need time to process
  • Student to student language
  • Helps students remember
  • Primacy/Recency
Photo by jgmarcelino

Plan your stops every 10 minutes

Photo by abbilder

Ask a pre-planned seed question that relates to your framed lesson objective

Limit to 2-4 students in each group

Photo by danmachold


  • One of the most effective strategies
  • Widely known about, not widely used
  • If used, automatically in the upper level of Blooms
  • Usually seen in classrooms with advanced students
  • Academically fragile students BENEFIT!

Recognize and Reinforce

Choice Words!

We have an opportunity to impact children in a deep and meaningful way....with our WORDS.


  • It increases achievement
  • The teacher implements it and models
  • It takes place in THE POWER ZONE
  • It is specific


  • "Good job"
  • The corporate compliment
  • Void of specificty
Photo by classic_film

What Do We Recognize:

* Incremental growth/gains
*Reinforcing connections between students efforts and success
*Continuous Effort over time

Photo by Jinx!

SPA Treatment

Stop and Jot

Think of a student who has been struggling. What have they made any progress in?
Give them the SPA treatment.

Turn and Talk:
What is the relationship between recognize and reinforce and student achievement?

Critical Writing

Photo by Rob Ellis'

Untitled Slide

Photo by *Bitch Cakes*

We will identify forms of critical writing.

I will write three things I need remember about critical writing.

Photo by NicosFotos

Critical Writing

  • Writing with a Purpose
  • Intentional
  • Solidifies Learning
  • Content based on TEKS
  • Least observable trait

Did you know?
Writing critically increases both the amount of material that can be recalled by a student and the speed at which it can be recalled. (Cain, 2011)

Critical Writing is the most natural, authentic way to increase rigor.


  • Have to go through the entire process
  • Takes a lot of time
  • All of it has to be graded
  • Only the ELA teacher does it

Create the Environment

  • baskets for exit tickets
  • post-its
  • interactive journals
  • establish procedures
Photo by Liz Marion


  • Demonstrate how to do it
  • Be vunerable
  • Give practice opportunities
  • Clear expectations


Photo by crol373

Untitled Slide

  • Free Write
  • Fill in the blank
  • Copying from the board


  • Exit Ticket
  • Diagram
  • index cards with summary
  • similarities/differences
  • thinking map
Photo by pioupioum

More Examples

  • Post it Notes for
  • lists, writing steps; BME, 
  • Notebooks, formal essays

Worksheet Woes?

Everybody has them...

Cut up ONE worksheet
Walk and Solve
Then, take ONE problem and EXPLAIN their answer or steps to solve in a journal

Write three things to remember about critical writing.

Fundamental Five

  • Frame the Lesson
  • Power Zone
  • Frequent, Small Group Talk
  • Recognize and Reinforce
  • Critical Write
Photo by nubui

In your planning meetings, use this time to practice framing the lesson.

Photo by Wade Morgen

Write down what two practices you think you will be able to use next week and why?

Nancy Shipley

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