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Geek Squad

Published on Mar 07, 2016

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Geek Squad

Photo by Julien Haler

Driving Question: How can a few elements and their combinations make up all of the different types of matter in the world?

Photo by GregPC

How are ELEMENTS and ATOMS related?

Photo by Horia Varlan

What are Atoms? Well atoms are the basic unit of a chemical element. Atoms are made of PROTONS, NEUTRONS and ELECTRONS.

Photo by Sarah G...

What is an ELEMENT? An element is a part or aspect of something abstract, especially one that is essential or characteristic. Which means it is in everything you have. Example a lamborghini is made of elements such as metals like iron and steel.

How are ELEMENTS and ATOMS related?
Well they are both made up of protons neutrons and electrons. Atoms make up an element, and inside the element is an atom. Like I said ATOMS are made up of PROTONS, NEUTRONS and ELECTRONS. Protons, Neutrons and Electrons are very tiny and so are atoms. Since an element needs so many Protons, Neutrons and Electrons they combine them to make an atom. And that's how ELEMENTS and ATOMS are related.

Photo by Dren P

How are the elements arranged in the Periodic Table?

Photo by Ben+Sam

The periodic table of elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number. Elements with similar chemical properties and electronic structures appear in the same column also called a group, and elements with the same number of electrons are arranged in a period. They are arranged by alkali metals, alkaline metals, transition metals, other metals, lanthanoids, actinoids, metalloids, nonmetals, halogens, noble gases, and unknown elements.

Hydrogen and helium are special elements. Hydrogen can have the electron traits of two groups. For some chemists, hydrogen is sometimes missing an electron. Helium is different from other elements. It is stable with only two electrons in its valence shell.

Photo by vitroid

Untitled Slide

Photo by NCSSMphotos

What are some ways you can tell that the change is physical?

Photo by The U.S. Army

A physical change is a change that affects one or more physical properties of a substance.

Photo by colemama

In other words, a physical change changes the shape or form of the matter, but does not change the identity substance.

Photo by misterbisson

It is still the same matter as before and has some of the same properties.

Photo by Turinboy

Many physical changes are easily reversed.

Photo by kevin dooley

Examples of a physical change

  • Broken pencil
  • Melting popsicle
  • Crumpled paper
  • Crushed can
  • Breaking a glass
Photo by Sky Noir

What are some ways you can tell that a change is chemical?

Some chemical changes produce odors, most stink like rotten eggs.

A change in color is often an indication of a chemical change. Example: Fruit might change color when ripe.

Photo by garden beth

is a BIG part of chemical change, it's hot like fire mostly.

Photo by #ODF

When antacid makes contact with water, it begins to bubble.

Photo by Skakerman

When two liquids are combined, they can precipitate, or becomes solid.

Photo by CIMMYT

How can you tell whether a substance is a metal?

Properties of Metals

  • The apperance is shiny
  • Stays solid at room tempeture
  • The density is high
  • Strength is strong
  • They are mallable
  • They conduct heat very well
  • They can also conduct electricity
  • They are magnetic
  • They make a ringing sound when hit

Substances are different from metals because substances are everything besides a metal.

Photo by dumbonyc

Most substances come from earth and chemicals, because metal is not from the earth. Substances are every thing be sides metal.

How do the properties of metals affect the way they are used?

Photo by elzote

The different properties of metal sculptors can be careful about which metal to use in which environment.

Photo by smith_cl9

If they didn't know the properties, the metal would or corrode it. Which would waste metal or make it look less beautiful.

How do we determine which metals and elements to use in alloys?

Photo by JD Hancock

What are alloys?

Alloys are mixtures of different metals and elements.To mix a metal you have to melt them first and then mix them. Alloys can be used for magnets in loud speakers to pick up electric guitars,coin,and jewelry.


  • Brass=copper,zinc
  • Steal=iron,carbon, chromium,manganese, vanadium
  • Bronze=copper,tin,manganese, phosphorus,aluminum,or silicon
  • Whitegold=gold,palladium,silver, copper
Photo by penarmusaraj

How do we use metals in our daily life?

How do you use metals in your daily life?

  • mobile phones-we can use them for texting, calling and taking pictures
  • computers and laptops-we can use them for learning and doing homework
  • batteries-we can use them for toys and cars
  • TV sets-we can use them for entertaining kids and adults
  • cars-we can use them for getting to places
Photo by ovoronin

More ways we can use metals in our daily life

  • coins-we can use them to buy things.
  • tools-we can use them for fixing things or building something
  • furniture-we use it to make our houses look decorated and to hold things
Photo by jenny downing

We hope you learned something from this, because we sure did.

Slides By:
Hannah Ybarra
Cierra Tan
Missy Honrade
Hailey Forsey
Nathaniel Biondini
Andrew Salguero
Adriana Arriaza
Marixza Garcia

Photo by garlandcannon