Gender in TV

Published on Mar 22, 2017

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Gender in TV

Lets Debate


Informal Language (Idioms) from the Episode

• To have means
• To give a heads up
• To go “rogue”
• To pick up… (a hobby)
• To nag someone
• To see through… (someone or something)
• To rub someone’s face in something
• out in the cold


How can you learn idioms? Do you use idioms?
Photo by petersejersen

The Hangout Sitcom

Friends, How I Met Your Mother, Seinfeld

What Defines the "Hangout Sitcom"

What elements of culture? 

"That's just the way some guys are Jess. They get themselves wrapped up in these silly games."

Listen to the Video

What is Hymowitz's argument?

Uncertainty Avoidance

Changes over time - how? "Life Scripts"

What would Hymowitz say? Do you agree?

  • Is feminism obsolete? Should men still do such things as open doors for women, stand until a woman is seated, pay for dates, and walk on the outside of the sidewalk? 3. Do increasing opportunities for women weaken incentives for men to be responsible? 4. Are women today more responsible than men in the U.S.?
  • Should men still do such things as open doors for women, stand until a woman is seated, pay for dates, and walk on the outside of the sidewalk? Do increasing opportunities for women weaken incentives for men to be responsible? 4. Are women today more responsible than men in the U.S.?
  • Do increasing opportunities for women weaken incentives for men to be responsible? Are women today more responsible than men in the U.S.?
  • Are women today more responsible than men in the U.S.?

Evidence to Support

Use the Article

Evidence Against

Google to Search - Note Sources

Prepare for the Debate

Opening Statements, Speech Assignments

Next Class

Essay Draft 2; Reality TV on Hulu

Kaitlyn Belloli

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