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Gender Roles

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Gender Roles


MEN work

  • Work often focused on heavy labor
  • Worked in public
  • Men had better paying jobs
  • Men recieved better education to get better jobs
  • Men were viewed as leaders
Photo by [Duncan]

Women work

  • Women rarely had jobs outside of their homes
  • Most women stayed at home
  • They had many responsibilities at home
  • Women dominated work in the household
  • Most women didn't receive an education    

Men home

  • Men were the heads of the households after they married
  • Men were expected to govern their families wisely and kindly
  • They were also expected to be good husbands and fathers
  • Men had to earn a living to provide for their families 


  • Women were considered property to their husband
  • Before they married they were considered their fathers property
  • Women experienced as many pregnancies as possible
  • Women were considered to be the weaker sex
  • Married women were expected to obey their husbands 

mens rights

  • Men had many more rights than women
  • The man was the only partner who were allowed to file for divorce
  • Men were allowed to receive an education and attend Universities
  • Men were also allowed to run for office

womens rights

  • Women were not allowed to ask for a divorce
  • Women had very little control over property
  • They were forced to obey their husbands
  • They could not vote or run for political office
  • Women were not allowed to attend Universitys


  • It was considered normal for women to have many children
  • Both male and female children were taught to obey higher authority
  • The women stayed home with their young children 
  • The sons were expected to obey their mothers until they married
  • Children were bound to very strict obedience

how gender roles have changed