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Gender Stereotypes

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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A stereotype is when you place someone or something into a certain group or category
Examples would be: the wife cleaning the house, the husband watching T.V all day, the little boy playing video games, the little girl using makeup.


  • Girls playing with dolls not boys
  • Boys playing with fire trucks not girls
  • Men going to work not women
  • Women staying home not men
  • Dogs being "mans best friend"

I disagree with these gender stereotypes.
I think people boy or girl can play with dolls or play video games. If girls want to serve the country then ok if boys want to be a cook or a male model ok all it is is someone following their dreams wether others like it or not .

To sum it all up...
Let people do what they want to do not what society tells them.

Not all people follow society's gender stereotypes, some people in fact even over come them for example, Mo'ne Davis. Mo'ne is a pitcher for a little league team and pitched better than any boy I saw pitching against her. She broke the stereotype that boys play sports better than girls, she over came this by showing everyone her pitching talent.

Another example of someone breaking a gender stereotype is David Candy. David broke the stereotype that only girls can be fashion designers. People probably pushed him down and called him mean names and said rude things to him, but he followed his dreams and he is now one of many famous, rich, unique male fashion designers.

Clare Smyth is also a great example of people who overcame stereotypes. The became the first female chef to own a restaurant and her restaurant had 3 Michelin stars and she was also head chef.

Danica Patrick is a more well known example of someone who broke a gender stereotype a big one too. Usually people think of racers and nascar drivers as reckless men who love speed, but Danica Patrick keeps right up with the 99% of the men who race in nascar. In my opinion she's one of the more interesting racers to watch.

Don't fall prey to today's idea of what men and women can do, even though it's not as bad as it was years ago it's still something that should be rid of and you can help stop it by not participating in it.