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Generations of Faith

Published on Dec 12, 2015

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Generations of Faith

The Seven Sacraments
Photo by bsabarnowl

What are the Sacraments?
What is the definition of a Sacrament?

Photo by jaci XIII

There are envelopes on the tables. Each one contains the definition of a Sacrament.

Photo by jaci XIII

Where did we learn this definition? The Baltimore Catechism.
Father, can you tell us what these words mean?

Photo by jaci XIII

There are three types of Sacraments.

What are these three called?
Photo by jaci XIII

The three types are;
Sacraments of Intitiation
Sacraments of Healing & Sacraments of Vocation.

Photo by jaci XIII

Which sort of Sacrament is Baptism?

Photo by jaci XIII

Baptism is a Sarament of Initiation

What are the other two? Talk at your tables.
Photo by jaci XIII

Initiation means at the start.

The other two are Holy Eucharist amd Confirmation.
Photo by jaci XIII