is living in Hebron- a beautiful city, with springs, well, olives, grapes and good land for raising animals. This is the land the God blessed him with.
1. A Military Invasion
2. Political subjugation-for 12 years they are paying taxes to the other armies (v. 4)
3. Political rebellion- after 12 years in the 13th year they decide they are not going to pay the taxes. (v. 4)
4. Military Reprisal (v. 5)
1. Abraham is willing to help- travels great distance to help Lot
2. Abraham is prepared for battle (Perhaps Abraham had his men trained because his job was to protect trade routes. Habiru (Abraham is called an outsider)
3. Abraham has practical wisdom and power (Abraham attacks at night)
We need to be willing to help our brothers and sisters. Who do we know today that need help? Abraham is up against world powers in his day. We are in a battle against evil. It is our job to rescue and come to the aid of those who are battling the evil of this world.
The celebration takes place in the Kings Valley (near Salem-Melchizedek (means king of righteousness/peace) is the king of Salem which means peace). We are told the Melchizedek is the priest of the Most High God (El Elyon) This is the first time that the word priest is uses in scripture. Melchizedek brings bread and wine which is food fit for a king. This a high honor.
The King of Sodom climbs out of the tar pit and suggest that Abraham takes the stuff and leave him the people. However, this does not seem to be proper. Abraham was in a positon to do whatever he wants.
A. King of Righteousness (Hebrews 7:2)
B. King of Salem (King of Peace-Prince of Peace)
C. Salem Becomes Jerusalem
D. Everlasting to Everlasting-Melchizedek has no genealogy listed-he comes and goes
E. Bread and Wine offering- Physical and Spiritual
F. Melchizedek blesses others
G. Melchizedek accept tithes-Jesus accepts tithes.
Abraham already consulted with God prior to getting into battle. So we need to be careful when we are tired or about to face something that is difficult. We need to always give victory to God and to allow Him to have all the Glory.