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Published on Feb 13, 2020

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MAOA - warrior gene

 produces protein breaks down neurotransmitters 

caspi - 2 variances of MAOA

 1) MAOA-L, 2) MAOA-H 

CDH13 - extremely aggressive

 other gene taking part with the aggressive behaviour maybe not just the MAOA.
Photo by Ray Hennessy

twin studies

 If MZ both showing aggression, we can conclude that their aggression is probably genetic 


  If the child is aggressive and their biological parents were aggressive, maybe it is genes causing this aggression 
Photo by John Ensor


Hutchings +Mednick - 14,000 adoptees (boys), Denmark

 adoptees who had criminal convictions, also had biological parents that had the same convictions 

Gender differences - MAOA linked with the x chromosome.

 women are less affected because they can prevent the abnormal variation 

Tinholen - Finnish prisoners

 found that there may be other genes contributing, not just MAOA e.g. MAOA-L+CDH13
Photo by Matti Mattila

MZ twins

 it is both the nature and nurture causing this aggression - cannot say that it is just genes 
Photo by SimonWhitaker