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Genetically Engineered Crops

Published on Feb 16, 2016

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Genetically Engineered Crops

By. Braxton Thacker
Photo by CIMMYT

Introduction- Most foods that we eat today are genetically engineered crops. One GE crop I know is round up ready Alfalfa, this is a hay product that does not have an affect to round up. This product is used in our Heber Valley. It then has a better ability to grow because other plants aren't taking nutrients and water from the ground.

Photo by PepOmint


  • Alergic reactions-
  • United States does not have laws against GE crops
  • Old varieties disapear.
Photo by Dean Hochman

I agree with genetically engineered crops because it improves growth and can improve the food quality. Some genetically engineered crops have the ability to kill bugs because the plant secretes a certain chemical that kills these bugs when the plant is eaten, although this sounds harmful to humans it is not, as stated by Scott Reid at Colorado State University. This is another aid that helps enhance aggrandizement.

Photo by Phil's 1stPix

This will strengthen the amount of produce acquired. Another Deciding factor that make Genetically modified plants tremendous is the fact that these seedlings are more nutritious as well as having an increased growth rate. These are the reasons why I think Genetically engineered crops are a superb investment. With our growing world there is a greater need for crops to feed the hungry people so we need as many crops as we can get.

Cross Breeding with the Wild population- One of the bad things about Genetically Engineered crops is the possibility of the Modified plant reproducing with the natural population. As stated by U of U Plants rely on the transfer of pollen, via insects or the air, to breed and produce offspring, and it's difficult to control how they cross-breed in the wild.

Although this sounds harrowing there is no indication on how these Non-Native plants will effect the ecosystem. This is one of the consequences of Genetically engineered crops.

Photo by CIMMYT

Environmental hazards

  • GE crops can affect the food web.
  • Possibility of cross polination
  • Reduced pesticide resistance.

Human health risks

  • Bacteria will become more resistant to Antibiotics
  • Alergenicity

Regulatory Problems

  • There was Economic integration.
  • Puts poorer farmers at risk
  • There is Complex trade

My Opinion

  • 1st- GE crops can improve growth and quality
  • 2nd-they are cheaper
  • 3rd-they have a higher growth rate than the normal stuff.

Conclusion-I believe that GE crops are good for the environment and people. One great example of a good use in GE crops is growing rice in an Ocean environment for a fast growing country. I think this is great because it is a good use of space in order to benefit the economy of the country. Another great thing about GE crops for me is round up ready Alfalfa. This gives the ability for Alfalfa to resist Round up. This is great because it gives alfalfa the ability to get all of the water and nutrients from the ground that other wise would be taking it. These are the reason's why I think GE crops are good.


  • Reid, Scott. Transgenic Crops. Colorado University, n.d. Web. .
  • Wax, Emily. "Genetically Engineered Foods." Medline plus. Medline plus, 28 Oct. 2014. Web. 03 Nov. 2014. .
  • Reddy, Sharath. "Benefits and Harms of Genetic Modification." Slide Share. N.p., 23 May 2011. Web. .
  • "Genetically Modified Foods." Learn Genetics. University of Utah, n.d. Web. .
Photo by Stefan Baudy