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Published on May 03, 2016

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There is Genius in All of Us!
Photo by mooch

What is "Genius Hour"?

  • Genius Hour is time set aside during the school week for you to work on a project of YOUR interest.
  • It is an individual project, only for you.
  • When the project is completed, you will share it with a larger audience.
Photo by rsmithing

So, what do i have to do?

  • Brainstorm project ideas/Choose a project.
  • "Sell" your project idea with an action plan to the "Shark Tank." (Say what?)
  • Conduct research about project topic.
  • Write about your project in a journal/blog/video.
  • Fail! (Excuse me?)
  • Create an amazing way to showcase your project.
  • Present your learning to an audience.


  • You need to really work at this part in order to choose a topic that you truly want to learn about.
  • Choosing a topic that you are not entirely interested in will defeat the purpose of this project for you.
Photo by bzztbomb

"Sell YOur Idea to The "Shark Tank"

  • Once you have chosen your project, you will create a big guiding question for your project, an action plan and sell your idea to the "Shark Tank," which is your classmates.
  • The "Sharks" will listen to your plan, offering comments, giving suggestions, or asking questions.
  • Once you get through the "school of sharks," you can begin the next stage.
Photo by PictureWendy

Possible Ways to COnduct Research

  • Read about your topic (online articles, books, blogs, magazines, newspaper, etc.)
  • Watch videos about your topic.
  • Interview or talk with people knowledgeable about your topic.

Write YOur Reflections about Your Project

  • Throughout this project you will write in a journal/blog about your learning experiences.
Photo by Tojosan


  • The greatest accomplishments, inventions, and innovations in human history would never have been without continuous failure.
  • Failure creates success! When we fail or run into snags in your project, smile about it, and press on.
  • You will post your "failures" to our EPIC FAIL board in the classroom.
  • You will also write about these instances in your journal/blog.

Show WHat YOu Have Learned

  • Once all of your research has been completed, you will choose a way to present your learning.
  • There hundreds of ways to do this, but you should find the way that works best for your project.
  • Examples might include making an instructional video, designing a comic strip, creating a Powtoon, write a play, create a pamphlet or poster.
Photo by mikecogh

Show your stuff to an Audience

  • The final act of your project is to present your learning to a larger audience.
  • This presentation will be yours and yours alone.
  • It should be between 5-10 minutes in length, but it could be longer if necessary.
  • During this presentation you will discuss your experiences during this Genius Hour Project and the things you learned along the journey.
Photo by blondinrikard